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Nascent Drama

A rogue Green Lantern, Universo, was briefly shown to exist in the future epoch of the Legion of Super-Heroes, but multiple retcons have long since eliminated this possible future.
Two of the most important fallen Lanterns were Sinestro, the rogue Green Lantern, and Hal Jordan, who would unknowingly become possessed by Parallax the ancient fear parasite trapped in the Battery.
At the ruins of his home Coast City, Jordan was consumed by grief, which in turn allowed him to be overcome by fear...all the while not knowing that his fear was tainted by the creature Parallax.
The Lost Lanterns were members of the Corps at the time Parallax overcame Hal Jordan, and made up the group that was trying to stop Parallax from reaching Oa.
(They were most of the GLs that were popular and well-known to readers at the time, which made Hal's/Parallax's actions all the more controversial.)
They were eventually found and rescued by the resurrected Hal Jordan (who was after a new Manhunter who had come to Earth) and Guy Gardner, and they re-joined the Corps.
Recently, Hal Jordan sacrificed his life re-igniting the sun, where upon Oa and the Central Power Battery were completely rebuilt by the physical manifestation of Jordan’s dying will channeled through his old friend and confidant Tom Kalmaku.