Troll Kingdom

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Nascent Drama

"There are a number of reasons for the powerful effect of the doll in reducing some of the challenging behaviour," he told Reuters by telephone.
Most of King's customers are collectors and grandparents who miss their grandchildren's younger selves, while others just enjoy holding the pretend babies.
But while there are hundreds of reborns for sale on Internet auction site ebay, their mainstream appeal seems to be limited by how realistic they are.
"Everything we sell is with a view to a child owning it or being interested in it, but these dolls are a bit too life-like for our toy department to stock them," a spokeswoman for Harrods said.
Nearly two-thirds of Egyptian men admit to having sexually harassed women in the most populous Arab country, and a majority say women themselves are to blame for their maltreatment, a survey showed on Thursday.
The forms of harassment reported by Egyptian men, whose country attracts millions of foreign tourists each year, include touching or ogling women, shouting sexually explicit remarks, and exposing their genitals to women. "Sexual harassment has become an overwhelming and very real problem experienced by all women in Egyptian society, often on a daily basis," said the report by the Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights.