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In the constitutional sense, there is a huge difference between FPM asking for early elections then and this bunch of nincumpoops.

Back then, there was a constitutional deadlock that had no provision for resolution. It is for these specific situations that a parliamentary dissolution is made possible.

As for now, where exactly is that deadlock they aim to remove? Them acting childishly about loosing their majority does not qualify.

As usual, F14 resorts to stupid slogans that have no legal, lawful and constitutional meaning.

There is no comparison between Bashir and Nasral-hara.There is no comarison between Geagea and Nasral-hara, Nasral-hara could not last a year in syrian prison, Geagea was in syrian prison for 11 years. You cant mess with a Phanican mind like you can with arab mind. Nasral-hara is arab and when he speaks he is a joke with his jokers who are only good atacking unarmed citizen and hiding with citizens and you want him to protect the citizens of Leb lol.He is killing citizens in Leb more then Israel
i put my dick in the fag who was hanged in the cross and then i wipe my dick in your fathers ass then i might bring my dog to fuck your nun sister will you be happy :), go to your Day3a

the kataeb were created to defend and save lebanon. i have news for you bro.... that's exactly what they did! without them, the ones you call traitors, there would be no lebanon. the real traitors are those who helped the palos and syrians cause death and destruction on their fellow lebanese. btw, lebanon is land of the phoenicians, so if you are love with the arabs fly over to saudi or yemen, dumbass. arab jarab

God bless the kataeb, the phillange, the LF, the marada
the real question is... why u little pathetic bitch are still in lebanon? if u hate us all and u call us scumbags... why don't u and ur little "queers" go do somethin useful and leave lebanon alone before we go back in time and it'll be a dejavou all over again and fuck all of u little cunts just like we did in 1982-1983... when wefucked the shit outta all of y'all be ma3raket sabra w shatila... do u remember u little cunt-muscul????!!!
Rami he says this son of bitch Nasarallah hates even Sunni Muslims but he want to be great leader tell this son of bitch send ur own child to war no he never as he knows the innocent poor muslim will fight in the name of religion and for that he dont need to pay also. great use fool people but Isarel will kill you bastered. son of bitch
True Lebanese Christians are the front line agenst tarror and darkness. We are the light of the east that cant turn off, in Jesus
God bless, from Israel!
together we kick hassouna the sharmuta and hezbollah out of Lubnan like we did to Arafat in 82'!

Under Christian control Lebanon was the best country in the world because we treated everyone as equols, Until muslims shia betraid us and lebanon. thats why there no trust in Lebanon and every one is at the edge! Long live Christian Lebanon it is our promise as free Maronites, the cross will alway be on top of the mountins to welcom Jesus Christ 2nd comming!

I second that, bro. Greetings to the Maronites in Lebanon! May you regain your glory!

The Maronite Christians are descended from Phoenecians, they became Christian in the 4th century. Sunnis arrived in the 7th and Shias the 12th. Maronites retreated to the mountains were they remained firm. They were nobodies slaves, least of all dhimmmis to Islamist aggression, the latter of which can politly go f--- itself!

Thank you habibi, all Aoun fallowers once the musslims are dong using you they will start massacring you. All aoun fallowers wake up, musslims dont give a fuck about you once they get there way all of you are dead 2 them!

kool khara ou moot, the parliment is 50-50 because thats what we the christians want.if you count all lebanese worldwide the christians are at least 70%. so plz, sakerr timak ya hamar. go back to iraq...
U must be reatarded, if u think like this? U should not be in japan u should go back in your motheres womb. In the constitution of Lebanon that Lebanies president has to be Christians, we did not go to war for nothing we gave our blood for Lebanon and you think we are going to pout a musslim president, You fucking bitch never ever bring that shit up!

It dont matter what you are or what you studied. In the middle east islam rules, u would not fully understand until you live in the middle east! London is changing, Islam has areas just for for them in London little by little once they have in edge then you would know what i am talking about. Go ahead in london give them your Land but not in Lebanon!

That'sa nice story. But the problem may not be your neighbor but the majority of violence-approving Muslims that have slaughtered, tortured and raped your Christian People in Lebanon.

The only way to fight violence and war is with courage to fight with war back. Otherwise you will die and suffer.