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**NBA ALL- STAR GAME 2022: Cleveland, Ohio**

LeBron James (Los Angeles Lakers) and Kevin Durant (Brooklyn Nets) again will be the captains of the two teams in this year's All-Star Game set for Feb. 20. Both players earned the honors by finishing with more fan votes than anyone in their respective conferences.

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**NBA ALL-STAR GAME 2021: Atlanta, Georgia**
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**NBA ALL-STAR GAME 2020: Chicago, Illinois**
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NBA ALL-STAR GAME: Charlotte, North Carolina
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NBA & ABA All-Star Game Stats and History
73 NBA All-Star Games - 9 ABA All-Star Games

Last 5 NBA All-Star Games
2022: Team LeBron (163) - Team Durant (160)
2021: Team LeBron (170) - Team Durant (150)
2020: Team LeBron (157) - Team Giannis (155)
2019: Team LeBron (178) - Team Giannis (164)
2018: Team LeBron (148) - Team Stephen (145)
2017: West (192) - East (182)