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Neg Henoch Threads

lady_elena_wf said:
Hon, Seriously, I'm not trying to be a bitch, at least not at this moment. But you do realize that you have just summerized TK. It is all entertainment. Your only problem seems to be that you don't realize how relevant a term "entertainment" is. The people that do this stuff are doing what keeps them from being bored. Just b/c it doesn't entertain you doesn't mean it's not funny to someone.

Also, you are being rather hypocritical. When you joined you were all love and fun & now you are acting like a psych patient whose prozac just wore off. Lighten up & just enjoy this place. If you don't like it, don't look.
I'm just sayin'...

Leave Love Child alone! She's under my personal protection. ;)
MirandaJo said:
erm no, she's under my protection first thanks! LC IS MY BITCH! :evil:
Please tell your bitch to not neg me, it's distracting.

Love Child said:
WTF did he really do to piss anyone off?
Asking for a brief rundown, because I am too lazy and tired at the moment to read through pages and pages of fucking w/e!

So let's just start negging Chad to find out?

LC, is the prudent thing for me to do is to neg you so that you don't neg me in my sleep again?
It's to illustrate the type of extremism and racial hatred against some which not only goes unpunished, but is in fact encouraged.
lady_elena_wf said:
Hon, Seriously, I'm not trying to be a bitch, at least not at this moment. But you do realize that you have just summerized TK. It is all entertainment. Your only problem seems to be that you don't realize how relevant a term "entertainment" is. The people that do this stuff are doing what keeps them from being bored. Just b/c it doesn't entertain you doesn't mean it's not funny to someone.

Also, you are being rather hypocritical. When you joined you were all love and fun & now you are acting like a psych patient whose prozac just wore off. Lighten up & just enjoy this place. If you don't like it, don't look.
I'm just sayin'...
Wow, thats how you get people into the little daycare place of yours.I've seen it done.
I'm still about the love baby, I just don't want my favorite posters to go away, and maybe I am part of the show as well.
I love you lady_elana_
I will remember next time that this is providing entertainment for at least one person, so I should not let it get in the way of my entertainment.
Thanks for the clarification.
Love Child said:
Wow, thats how you get people into the little daycare place of yours.I've seen it done.
I'm still about the love baby, I just don't want my favorite posters to go away, and maybe I am part of the show as well.
I love you lady_elana_
I will remember next time that this is providing entertainment for at least one person, so I should not let it get in the way of my entertainment.
Thanks for the clarification.
I sense some sarcasm... :smooch:
I love you, too, Hon. After all you are Love Child That's why I was trying to point all this stuff out. I'm glad you are able to enjoy this place again. See ya around.