New Age Posting releases a new video!

J&L Massacres

All Your Base Are Belong to Us

J&L Massacres

All Your Base Are Belong to Us
OMFG... you CAN NOT think that this is dancing... can you? Really? Please tell me that you're kidding! Please! All I did was derail your thread. God... you could not have created a man this stupid... it''s just not possible! :doh:

Unless you just don't really know what "dancing" means. In which case, you're not stupid, you're just ignorant and throwing around that word just cuz you think it's fun but not knowing what it means, which isn't much better mind you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What ever happened to J&L and Kitty?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What a great video.

I'll have to tag this thread for him on FB :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Glad we're still connected on FB. This is some fun stuff going on.