New here


New Member
I came from another board, thought this place looked cool. Can anyone tell me where to start? What's a good place to begin? Suggestions or helpful comments for a newbie to this board?


Boobie inspector
Dont feel insulted if someone tells you to fuck off or calls you a dual on a regular basis.

Now fuck off dual!


HEY NOOB! are you with or against the DLA (dual liberation army) ?? choose wisely, for once you have made your choice there is no going back................


Grand Wizard of TK
To many fucking lame duals on this board. Can’t come up anything original anymore! I FUCKED YOUR MOM WITH A RUBBER HOSE!?!?!?!!?

We’ve been far too nice to new members lately.

Anyway where you start depends on what you’re here for.


Hi, WingedWeasel I'm new here also. i'm Geedis

I'm also from another board.


New Member
Grandtheftcow said:
To many fucking lame duals on this board. Can’t come up anything original anymore! I FUCKED YOUR MOM WITH A RUBBER HOSE!?!?!?!!?

We’ve been far too nice to new members lately.

Anyway where you start depends on what you’re here for.

I'm here because I'm tired of the lame tripe spewed on other boards and I'm looking for INTERESTING people and things to talk about.


WingedWeasel said:
I'm here because I'm tired of the lame tripe spewed on other boards and I'm looking for INTERESTING people and things to talk about.

then you cam to the wrong place - most of the peopel here are boring losers...


Vuhlkansu Wihs
VKD said:
then you cam to the wrong place - most of the peopel here are boring losers...

There's a self diagnosis.

Now that you've addressed the issue, shut the fuck up and go do something about it.


WingedWeasel said:
Hi Geedis!

no it's geedis

i don't think we have a geedis! just yet. seems my name is popular round here only been here a few days and we have more geedis? geedis. geedis, 'es than you can shake a stick at.

I think I'm being trolled.