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Nice Guys Finish Last BS

Love Child

One Love
I really think this is a cop out. I've had this said to me only a couple of times. But its more that I've heard guys say this when a girl breaks up with them. I do believe it has its subtle truths in some form or another.
But I also believe that the problem lies in the "nice guy" not being honest with their motives.
The "rude" guy will come up to me and say "I want to fuck you". Maybe a little forward, but honest. Then I can choose what to do with that information.
The "nice" guy will say "I am only interested in your mind, not your body. I'm not like those 'other' guys." Is this really true? Do I think that all guys want to fuck me? No. Do I think some guys just have a different set of standards than others? Yes.
Is it true that us girls are more interested in the "Bad guy image" and that nice guys really do finish last?
Sorry if this is "Too Long" and I do not have a way with words sometimes in the written form. I originally was going to post this as a rant in my usual posting spot of the badlands but decided to gather some opinions here. Thanks.
Yes, thanks for your response and input GB. Well said IMO. ;) :)
Ah well, I don't really care that much, just random thoughts and ramblings.
I think this is the guy version of the girl line "men are scum" or other, similar lines. When a situation does not have a positive outcome, it is easier to not blame oneself, but the other person. Even easier is not blaming the other person, but the institution of gender. Some nice guys do finish last, as do some not-so-nice guys. A nice guy could "finish first" lots of times, and then something bad happens so he must have "finished last." I reiterate my first sentence.
Well, it's not just about women. It is human nature to seek out that which eludes us. Many women will stay with a loser with a "bad boy" image exactly because that kind of personality intrigues her. Also, some guys will run after a woman who doesn't want him exactly because he can't have her. That intrinsic drive to attain that which is unattainable is exactly what has allowed us human beings to accomplish so much over such a relatively short time period that we have been on this planet. Look at all the other species that either didn't make it or are existing on a decidedly lower level than we are at the present.

It's not at all a bad trait. It makes us compete. ;)
Hmmm Competition. That intrigues me. Mostly because I am not one of competitive nature.
But I must say that I am on the recieving end of listening to guys not get the girl and then blame something else other than thier own shortcomings. Or just accept the fact that it wasn't meant to be.
The other thing that often bothers me is the jealousy and insecurity that happens between humans, not just guys, but girls as well. It is such an ugly emotion/feeling and really turns me off and pushes people away.
I like nice guys. They don't always finish last, but when they do it is usually because they became involved with a not so nice person who took full advantage of their gentlemanly behavior. The nice guy has to become a little more decerning in their involvements. Sadly, the not so nice person doesn't realize the missed opportunity at a genuine adult relationship.
I had a girl pull a gun on me once :huh:

but thats another story

Where I live, every and I mean every hot bodied oman I know is involved with some type of drug dealer, gang banger, or some other type of scumbag. These are the type of men that constantly reefer to women as Bitches and Ho's mainly because they all know that these women all get off on it, otherwise they wouldn't stick around.

Everywhere you look here, all you will see are all of these women with all of these babies, none of them are married, and all of their babies have different daddies that are all either dead or in jail. The nice guys are the ones that really do come in last, and thats why all of them all take off and either start dating interaccially or turn into fags
Oh and by the you all may already know, I am NOT a nice person. I cannot afford to be. If I were, my dick would be as dry as sand paper.
Y'see you stupid fucking cyberslut...where you fall down is you assume this is the real me. Why am I pissed at you???

I saved the chats....did you?
Or are you like most women who just forget what a cunting bitch they can be sometimes?
How is Shatna anyway? Or did his wife take away his Internets privileges? And no, I'm not talking about sadi either.
jack said:
Y'see you stupid fucking cyberslut...where you fall down is you assume this is the real me. Why am I pissed at you???

I saved the chats....did you?

Oh yes....I have ALL the chats and then some....:)

Should I care why you are pissed at me, I don't!