Nominated for eviction are... (SPOILERS)


I want to smell dark matter
Shabby, Sunshine and Rachael. Dave won the immunity task and picked Rachael to replace him. Instead of Govan. The muppet.

Shabby has COMPLETELY cracked up after finding out she's up and is storming around the house blaming Ben and throwing tantrums. She's a goner on Friday.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Although I like Shabby, I do hope she goes nuts enough for people to vote for her, otherwise Sunshines gone.

Of course the person who should REALLY go is Rachael but there's too many "SHE MAY BE A BITCH BUT SHE'S HOT LOL SHE'S PERFECT OMG" people voting that it'll never happen and it will just make her MORE full of herself uggghhhhghghgh...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Blame it on the boob-loving. This is the boob-loving world you have created.


Is this real life?
Good riddance, Shabby, you annoying she-scrote.


I want to smell dark matter
Well there's also that Rachael shouldn't even be up at all and only is because of a stupid twist so people won't vote for her. Why the fuck didn't Dave nominate Govan?

But Shabby's gone nuts like a nutter.