non-Americans:who would YOU have voted for U.S. President last November 4th?


Un Banned
If you were in the U.S.A. & were able to participate in Presidential Election 2008, WHO would YOU have voted for:phpquestion:

Would you have voted for The Way or have voted for yesterday:phpquestion:

Or would you have voted for a 3rd Option:phpquestion:


Shifty sumbitch
With the advent of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, I will not be voting for the incumbent in 2012, and I'd like to consign Senators Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe to a hell that most appropriately suits them, and would kindly like to tell Big Brother to fuck off.

The Question

No one named Rockefeller should be permitted to engage in politics of any kind.

The Question

Nobody with that much money gives a flying fuck about the 97% of Americans who don't have that much money. They don't make rules that are good for the rest of us, because they don't have a fucking clue about the things that affect the rest of us.

The Question

Shut up, sandnigger. Actually, you're worse than a sandnigger -- you're someone pretending to be a sandnigger. (That you're doing it for humor makes it a little better, but not enough.)


There's no place like home-
Nobody with that much money gives a flying fuck about the 97% of Americans who don't have that much money. They don't make rules that are good for the rest of us, because they don't have a fucking clue about the things that affect the rest of us.

Nor do they give a flying fuck.

The Question

Exactly. They've got a massive cache of flying fuck, and ain't none of us gonna get none of it from them.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I find the exact opposite to be true of the ultra wealthy. They have all the money in the world and tax loop holes so they never have to part with a penny of it. They think that it's just a swell idea to tax the living shit out of people that actually work for a living so people that can't crack an eyelid before noon can keep feeding off the government trough.

I suppose it's my duty as an America loving American to know as much as humanly possible about the president but I have yet to get over my disgust with the media's love affair with the socialist and the fact that my fellow Americans were gullible and stupid enough to vote for the junior senator from Illinois.

The two presidential choices were awful so it was a choice between two horrible choices. Asking a non-American who they would have voted for is dumb, of course they all LOOOOOOVE Obama. Funny though how the rest of the world still doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of the U.S. even though all the morons that voted for Obama thought that would turn it all around.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I find the exact opposite to be true of the ultra wealthy. They have all the money in the world and tax loop holes so they never have to part with a penny of it. They think that it's just a swell idea to tax the living shit out of people that actually work for a living so people that can't crack an eyelid before noon can keep feeding off the government trough.

I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not. It's kind of the opposite of typical conservative thought. It's also a Republican run, corporate sponsored government that's got us into that situation by favoring the wealthy and the ultra greedy. Granted, liberal run government haven't helped, by the majority of the legislation that favors the wealthy is passed when the conservatives hold the majority.

I can't figure out who the "people that can't crack an eyelid before noon can keep feeding off the government trough." are in your statement though. Is that the lower class that receives all the government handouts or the super wealthy that are allowed to sleep till noon and keep all their money and therefore, not be productive contributors to a system that's supposed to be at everyone's service?

I suppose it's my duty as an America loving American to know as much as humanly possible about the president but I have yet to get over my disgust with the media's love affair with the socialist and the fact that my fellow Americans were gullible and stupid enough to vote for the junior senator from Illinois.

We Americans were gullible enough to put an actor in office in the 80's and a complete failure in both corporate business and state government in office in 2000.

Lets face it, the reason Obama got elected was because the Republicans screwed the country for 8 years prior and people had had enough.

The two presidential choices were awful so it was a choice between two horrible choices. Asking a non-American who they would have voted for is dumb, of course they all LOOOOOOVE Obama. Funny though how the rest of the world still doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of the U.S. even though all the morons that voted for Obama thought that would turn it all around.

You're right on the choices. Both parties presented less than ideal candidates. That only goes to show you what our politicians think of the majority of the American public. They think we're idiots and we proved them right!


Shifty sumbitch
I just checked It's snowing in hell. Must be because Sarek and Laker_Girl (and I) are agreeing on political matters.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Not really. Like I said, I'm a bit confused by the first part of her statement.

As for the rest, my loathing for ALL politicians is well documented and frankly, the only thing any of them are after is money in their own pocket. I do happen to agree with Obama on the health care issue though. The main reason conservatives are against it is because it will put the breaks on the gravy train of profit that the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companys have been riding on sense the Nixon administration.

Conservatives are against just about everything that doesn't put a buck in their pocket.

The Question

Eh, to that last part, that's all politicians and most politically active people. That's why taxes go up no matter who you vote for. Five or six dipshits with money and five or six million more who think the dipshit they elect will take money out of everyone else's pocket to fund their favorite pet cause.


New Member
If people feel it's appropriate for the US to be the global force for good (As the Navy advertises itself,) they should all just have the right to vote on who runs it.

The Question

I think it all needs to be dialed back by a long, long way. Force politicians -- at all levels -- to fund their own election campaigns entirely out of pocket. Anyone who takes even one thin cent from anyone else for their campaign is barred from office for life.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard

bad dog

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I would like to see Sarah Palin as a front runner next time around.

I just read her book, she is not dumb and was fucked over big time by the media and the McStain insiders.

The Lady is so tough she can have a baby on monday and be at work on tuesday, no man could be that though.

I adore her.