Troll Kingdom

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Daaaaaaamn, that IS a lot of money! If just pictures of it will fetch that much, think how much loot I could rake in renting out the use of it to the ladies of TK! Why, I could amass a fortune! Maybe even $50 bucks! O_O
I've already taken it down to the local graphix shop, and had it printed on a 6 foot x 15 foot canvas banner.
The Saint said:
Actually, no. Your ego trolling got dull after the first five minutes you'd been here. Ever. After that, it's always and exclusively been more of that same first five minutes. The fuck is the point in reading something you've posted thousands of times now?

If you grow bored with my posts, then I shall delight you with a picture from your recent past. Please feel free to enjoy the fruits of OS@M@'s loins, as I am sure you clearly did.

I too have found the ignore function. I enjoy it almost as much as searching for penid's on the internet - oh, wait.. I don't do that.