Troll Kingdom

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I went across the country instead of following the roads, so any cave I came to I went in. I also did the bear side quest because it was on the way.

I think I may have messed up, or something. Instead of going on with Martin, I went with the other guy to take the castle. I AM GETTING MY ASS KICKED. Maybe I'm supposed to let the Imperial Guards fight most of the bad guys in this section, they keep getting in my way and the scamps kill me :rwmad: Also, I don't have any health potions and my one magic spell uses a lot of magic for only 17 pts of health. I'm sure I'll figure it all out, I always do.
Eventually, I got so tired of closing Oblivion Gates that I started hopping/running my way to the top without facing the enemies so I could grab the glowing ball and get out.

Shivering Isles was pretty cool, though.
Had to turn the difficulty down so I could get through Kvatch castle.

I need to find a good way to make money, I just went to jail AGAIN cause I didn't have the money to pay the fine. I don't even know what I did to get a bounty. I don't take stuff that has a red icon. Maybe I slept in a bed I wasn't supposed to or something I DON'T KNOW. I try to make sure I'm not activating anything that has a red icon, but sometimes the game play is shaky.
I think you can take what you want from mines and caves.

I just ordered the PS3 version from amazon, the game of the year edition with the two expansion packs.

I have no idea how it will work without a mouse, but I bet the graphics look amazing.

See RIIA, downloading can lead to making a real purchase eventually!
Yeah, you can have anything you want from the caves. I MURDERED someone, and the bounty was 1,000. I don't even know who I murdered, I bet I killed someone during the Kvatch castle thing. The gameplay went all glitchy and the Imperial Guards kept getting in front of me when I was trying to whack a scamp.

I joined the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE LOCKPICKS :rwmad: In the beginning I found them everywhere, now I can't find them at all. I thought the thieves guild dude would sell them to me for 5 gold, but I don't get that offer anymore. THE BASTARD.
I don't have any money, I keep spending all of it on stuff I don't need, lol. I only have a very easy lock spell, lol. I just read up on where to get some lockpicks cheap. I need to use a lockpick to increase my security, which is one of my major skills, I think. I don't want to level up my minor skills too much cause then I won't get high multipliers.
There's a guy named Shady Sam right outside Imperial City near the stables. He's up against the wall of the city in one of the recesses. If you're facing the city go to the left and follow the wall around til you find him. He's got lock picks for 6 gold, I think. He's also got some pretty good potions but they're expensive. If you join the Dark Brotherhood there's one of those cat people in the sanctuary who sells them pretty cheap too. Oh and if you join the thieves guild that guy has lock picks for sale right before you go off on your first quest but he doesn't seem to have them anymore, for me. Also the fence in Bruma is supposed to have them, but I haven't been there yet.

The Dark Brotherhood is FUN. I just killed some guy by dropping a mounted animal head on him.

I was wondering if I should enchant my steel longsword with the oblivion gate sigil thingy, or if I should save it for a better weapon? I was hoping for some silver weapons to start turning up, but I guess I haven't progressed far enough into the game.
Dont worry about using that, until you complete the final quest the amount of oblivion gates that turn up is pretty much infinate, so you will be able to get as many sigal stones as you want
PS3 version arrived, think I possibly messed up by making my character a theif, as none of the many hundred fights I get into increase his major skills.

He's very good at picking locks though.
Well, just wearing light armor in fights and getting hit will increase that skill, then repairing it will increase another one. Sneak around as much as possible, but don't talk to anyone while in sneak mode, if you kill someone while you are sneaking (and they don't detect you) you get a hit bonus. Sneak is really cool if you use a bow on someone, you can pick off people and animals with one shot. Oh also run and jump a lot when you're traveling around to increase your acrobatics and agility.

Since you're so good at lockpicking you should join the thieves guild. You have to read the Gray Fox wanted posters or talk to someone (can't remember who) then meet Armand (I think that's his name) behind the abandoned shack in the waterfront district after midnight. Once you're in the guild you can use the fence in Bruma, there are a lot of houses you can break into and steal all their stuff. YOU COULD BE RICH.
I am Rich!

The PS3 version also comes with the shivering isles and knights of the nine add ons, they are built into the game, so I have been playing those rather than doing the main quest.

The knights of the nine bit has given me some nice armour and weapons, and the shimmering isles is just weird, but fun.
I'm going to kidnap some twins and make them follow me around! (not really kidnapping them, just never finishing their quest)
I really ought to do more in Oblivion but Fallout 3 is 50% off in Steam's Weekend Deal so I really couldn't resist it.

The opening training levels are so much better than Oblivions, instead of wondering round caves and sewers hitting rats you live the life of your character (the very first thing you see if YOUR BIRTH IN FIRST PERSON) and you get to go to your 10th Birthday party and do exams (which let you chose your skills and stuff) when you're 16.

I've just stepped outside into the world now. This is my dude (there's an excellent selection of facial hair):

Is that a shooter game? I suck at those. I have to have a SWORD.

I stopped doing the main quest just before the big gate thing. I am almost all the way through the thieves guild quests.. I've been wandering around looking for stuff to do, trying to get some of my minor skills up.
Fallout 3 is made by the same people as Oblivion and Morrowind and plays pretty much exactly the same way, you do have guns yeah (but there is some sort of cool auto aiming thing, and if you can shoot a bow in Oblivion it's the same as shooting a gun) and there still are melee weapons if you want to use them I guess.
I like the fact you can have a member of the village people in a shoot em up game.

It, like Oblivion (as they're basically the same game in different settings) is more an RPG than a straight shooter.

