Off with Ange's head!


Sinless and Purrfect
Ange, I gave you a chance hoping you'd be the next big drama for the Badlands. Pick up the mantle and become the next 'Pickle' or something similar, maybe more. It's been a few weeks, and you've proven to be a disappointment. I'm not going to waste my afternoon listing your many faults, and I don't care to either.

I'm done fake liking you. At first, I thought about a slow turn, seeing what kind of personal enjoyment I can get outta a long term betrayal. But, I was never fully on the bandwagon to begin with, and don't care to invest the time necessary to do so (either extreme). You just aren't worth it. I'd rather just cop out, statement it all obviously, and try to wash my hands of your shit and fail.

In short, off with your head.


Well whole you guys here on a Saturday night, I will have to get ready to dance my birthday away!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm getting head while I type this response, so I don't need to go out.