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Oh, Glorious Solitude!


I'm back in the land of the upper 60's, lower 70's. This is how God intended us to live... :D

I was also expecting my housemates home today, but they decided to extend their vacation until Monday! WOOT! Four whole days of enjoying the house by myself. And that includes the 54 inch HD TV (if I can figure out how to turn it on. They have a system set up here that you need an engineering degree to figure out).

I also intend on getting re-acquainted with the fermented wine, and getting completely plastered. After the two weeks I've had, I deserve it!

My only dilemma...should I indulge tonight, or wait for the traditional weekend? :bigass:
Hmmm...I need to find out how to turn on the TV before I imbibe. No shit. They have this interactive remote, with a large screen, tons of buttons on the side, and I don't know fuck all about any of 'em.

Can ya believe it? A college degree, and I can't even turn on the freakin' TV!

I hang my head in shame...
Okay, I figured it out. Kinda. The remote asked me a series of questions:

Remote: "Is the TV turned on?"


Then the remote evidently turned the TV on. But nothing happened.

"Did that fix the problem?"


"Is the receiver on?"


The remote turns the receiver on.

Did that fix the problem?"


"Is the channel set to 4?" Fuck if I knew, but I said yes.

"Is the tuner set to TV"? Again, an educated

The remote sets the tuner to TV.

Did that fix the problem?"


Voila! I have picture! It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to change channels, and adjust the aspect ratio.

Now I'm afraid to turn the monster off. Yeesh! LOL
Heh. I have a friend who has a remote that's basically a palmtop. Even his wife doesn't know how to turn on the TV.
See, that would drive me up a freakin' wall. One remote with an OFF/ON button, and options for volume and channel changing.

That's all anyone needs.

I just got back from the liquor store, BTW, and discovered something cool.

Did you know they made vanilla flavored vodka? Of course, you know I had to buy it. When it gets cold, I'm going to mix it with some Coke Zero. I can't wait! :bigass: I just put a splash of Coke in, and make it mostly vodka? I never mix drinks, so I haven't a clue. I'll experiment. :D
Friday said:
See, that would drive me up a freakin' wall. One remote with an OFF/ON button, and options for volume and channel changing.

That's all anyone needs.

I just got back from the liquor store, BTW, and discovered something cool.

Did you know they made vanilla flavored vodka? Of course, you know I had to buy it. When it gets cold, I'm going to mix it with some Coke Zero. I can't wait! :bigass: I just put a splash of Coke in, and make it mostly vodka? I never mix drinks, so I haven't a clue. I'll experiment. :D

I think there's vanilla flavored rum now, too, so you could do a rum and coke with vanilla rum.

I would go two parts coke to one part vodka. Maybe even three to one, since you're a lightweight. ;) But the best way to tell is start with a high ratio of coke to vodka and keep adding a bit of vodka until you don't like the taste any more. Then back off the vodka and add a bit of coke until your tastebuds are satisfied with the result.

What kind of vanilla vodka did you get, btw? Absolut? Grey Goose?

The problem with the remotes is one of my needing to research which universal remotes out there will allow me to retain the functionality of the various remotes I have. The new DVD player, in particular, has an large array of functions on its remote, so the uni would have to perform all of those functions.

I gather the super-expensive programmable ones might allow for this. But I really haven't looked into it. And we only ever really use four of them with any regularity: the TV, the satellite, the receiver, and the DVD. The VCR, the laserdisc and the CD player just sit there.
Number_6 said:
I think there's vanilla flavored rum now, too, so you could do a rum and coke with vanilla rum.
Rum. Ugh. Ever since I got so plastered on rum and cokes in my early 20's, and ended up driving the porcelain bus for the next 24 hours, even the smell of the stuff makes me gag.

I would go two parts coke to one part vodka. Maybe even three to one, since you're a lightweight. ;) But the best way to tell is start with a high ratio of coke to vodka and keep adding a bit of vodka until you don't like the taste any more. Then back off the vodka and add a bit of coke until your tastebuds are satisfied with the result.
Thanks for the tip. I will do just that. :)

What kind of vanilla vodka did you get, btw? Absolut? Grey Goose?
Smirnoff. I figured Russian vodka is the best.

The problem with the remotes is one of my needing to research which universal remotes out there will allow me to retain the functionality of the various remotes I have. The new DVD player, in particular, has an large array of functions on its remote, so the uni would have to perform all of those functions.

I gather the super-expensive programmable ones might allow for this. But I really haven't looked into it. And we only ever really use four of them with any regularity: the TV, the satellite, the receiver, and the DVD. The VCR, the laserdisc and the CD player just sit there.
I didn't realize until I searched for that link that they spent $250.00...on a freakin' remote. Sheesh.

Yeah, if you don't mind juggling the remotes you use, it's not so bad. Wait a still have a laserdisc player? Wow, that's a blast from the past.
Okay, time to come clean I guess.

I confess...

Number_6 is my dual. One of the most successful duals in the history of TK. So successful, actually, that you probably still don't believe me.

Well, it's true. Go ahead. Ask me something only Number_6 would know. I betcha I'd know the answer.

Number_6 said:
Heh. I have a friend who has a remote that's basically a palmtop. Even his wife doesn't know how to turn on the TV.

Similarly, I have software on my IPAQ that allows me to use it as a universal remote. Much fun to be had walking past a bar, pulling out the IPAQ and shutting off their TVs. lol
Seven remotes... holy shit. We have four, and it's taken me nearly a year to figure out how to use them all. I still have to think about it before I start pushing buttons, if I want to do something wild and crazy like watch one TV show while simultaneously TiVoing another. Usually I just hand them all over to Hambil so he doesn't have to wait for me to work it out in my head.
OMG! Orange juice and vanilla flavored vodka does taste just like a creamsicle! It's the tastiest drink I've ever had!

You guys hafta try it! :D's really good! :D

2 shots Tequila Rose Cocoa Cream Liqueur (a strawberry/chocolate liquer with a hint of tequila)
2 shots vanilla vodka
2 shots half and half

Oh, my God this is GOOOD! It's like a chocolate shake with a kick! Seriously!

I've died and gone to Cocktail Heaven. Sigh. :bigass: is down, 6, so I had to experiment on my own. ;)