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Oh God, just shuddup. Shuddup. Shuddup. Shuddup....


Zombie Hunter
Do you know what it's like to be me, around you?!?!? I mean, satistically, you're likely stupider than me. Even so, can you grasp my despair as my Facebook "Friend"--some guy I rode a schoolbus with 3 decades ago--and don't get me going on Facebook. If Facebook was as close to me as Microsoft, I'd have driven there and burned something down by now--but I digress. Yeah. Guy from high school. Friended me on Facebook. Can you grasp my despair when he proudly trumpets, via Zuckerberg, that he has an IQ of 102?! :bang: I'm almost smart enough to be the stupidest guy in Mensa. And I've got someone, proud that they're barely smarter than half the random people I could point at on the street. This is why I want and am not allowed to have a machine gun on my car.
I mean, I'm trying to neck down my brain to 102. I can't even comprehend it. I've got enough alcohol in me that I'm about to pass out and I'm still probably around 120. I can't even conceive of what average IQ is like.
I've got an IQ of 155. Shut up. Nobody cares. The peons dumber than you are too stupid to care, and those of us smarter than you feel the way about you the way that you feel about them.

So just shut the fuck up.
My IQ is so high that they had to make up a new scale to measure it. It's 18. That's really high on this new scale.

It could be worse, you know. You could have relatives down for a week long visit. Relatives who never experience a quiet moment that they don't immediately decide to fill with WORDS ABOUT NOTHING. Relatives who roll out of bed in the morning with stories to tell about lunches they've eaten, and cakes they've decorated. THE DOGS CAN'T EVEN THINK.

:smfcheesy: Oh lord, I feel ya. Somehow I hadn't realized how stupid most people really are until the past 5 years or so. But I've started really listening to conversations and sweet baby Elvis, is there nothing going on.

And St. Castle, if your IQ is higher than your body temperature, I'd be very surprised.

Quoted for Truth™

I avoid all that social media horseshit like the plague. Occasionally I'll read through some of the commentary on a news article or something, and the stupid truly does burn. Anyone from the past who I want to stay in contact with I stay in contact with. Everyone else can get fucked. :)
Why can't anything be nice, anyway? Increasingly, I don't get to choose anything because I like it--I decide what I hate the least. A couple times a day I don't go on Facebook to see what my friends are up to, I go there to delete garbage out of my feed; inane videos, "Can you think of a name that doesn't contain an 'E'? 90% of people can't!" George Takei's increasingly bitchy and political links...

I've got a friend who keeps posting "The Onion" stories. No big deal. Back in the day, I used to read The Onion every time a new one came out. Not my thing anymore, but I still get a bit of a chuckle from the occasional headline. But that's the operant phrase: "occasional." Not, like, 4 a day-every day. I get on Facebook to see what people are doing, not what Onion articles they thought were funny. So I started cutting them. Eventually I started doing "Show less from The Onion." Finally, with regret, I said "Hide all from The Onion." Then I did it again the next time an Onion article showed up in my feed. And the next time. And the next time. I lost track of how many times I did a "Hide all" only to see fresh content later that very day. Of course there's no option to contact Facebook and bitch about their application--because from that point on, all they'd do is hire new people to read the complaint mailbox. And Silicon Valley is too far to go to burn down one of their buildings. And I'm not going to e-mail someone and tell them they can't put certain things in their feed. I did eventually report a couple posts, in hopes that Facebook would eventually go "Oh, shit! This guy has tried to use 'Hide all' 37 times and it just ignores him," but that hasn't worked. So eventually I just took the guy out of my feed, which is too bad, because now I won't know what he's up to when he isn't reading "The Onion.", regardless of how you feel about their editorial content, their Website is so bloated, intrusive, and full of automatic executables that it is essentially a virus.
Don't forget all those "friends" who found Jesus and has to let you know All. Fucking. Day. Kept the friendship but hid the posts by them. Now I only see something from them if they reply directly to something I said.
Also those friends or relatives you've had to create some distance from because they turned their lives to shit, and now they are posting "inspirational" links all day while they keep passing the open windows. You just know if you reply to or even "like" one, it's an invitation for them to dump all their problems and desperate needs in your lap.
Don't forget all those "friends" who found Jesus and has to let you know All. Fucking. Day. Kept the friendship but hid the posts by them. Now I only see something from them if they reply directly to something I said.
Fair enough. I'm religious, but there are those insufferable religious types and I totally see your point. To which I'll add the militantly anti religious--the atheists who get butthurt if you mention praying or don't understand how a scientist could be religious.
I don't even consider that last type to actually be atheist, but rather anti-theist. To my way of thinking, an atheist is somebody who doesn't believe there's a god and therefore doesn't give a shit about the question at all. Like somebody who has no reason to believe that there's a flying teakettle in orbit over Jupiter -- and then dismisses the entire notion.

But these people who go around acting like total shitheads toward the religious have practically made acting like shitheads toward the religious into a religion, themselves. And fuck them just as hard as the faith healing nutters, if not harder for being hypocrites.

Which, by the way, is why I'm also opposed to all these organizations running around trying to stop peoples' religious displays and practices on the grounds of 'separation of church and state' -- is using the State to squash religious expression not a stunningly hypocritical thing to do in light of their grounds for trying to do it?
Also those friends or relatives you've had to create some distance from because they turned their lives to shit, and now they are posting "inspirational" links all day while they keep passing the open windows. You just know if you reply to or even "like" one, it's an invitation for them to dump all their problems and desperate needs in your lap.

Yep, I made it a point to NOT have any relatives as friends there. In fact the ONLY reason I have an account is for the few people who flat out refuse to communicate any other way and due to the fact they live halfway across the world, I put up with that crap. Sometimes that "thank you Jesus" stuff comes as a "wow I had no idea they were into that" surprise about them.

Fair enough. I'm religious, but there are those insufferable religious types and I totally see your point. To which I'll add the militantly anti religious--the atheists who get butthurt if you mention praying or don't understand how a scientist could be religious.

I was raised orthodox Catholic. I just don't believe in it all the way they taught me. I'm probably more of an agnostic than atheist, but either way, I honestly don't begrudge anyone who has faith. If that's what gets you through the day, so be it.

I don't even consider that last type to actually be atheist, but rather anti-theist. To my way of thinking, an atheist is somebody who doesn't believe there's a god and therefore doesn't give a shit about the question at all. Like somebody who has no reason to believe that there's a flying teakettle in orbit over Jupiter -- and then dismisses the entire notion.

But these people who go around acting like total shitheads toward the religious have practically made acting like shitheads toward the religious into a religion, themselves. And fuck them just as hard as the faith healing nutters, if not harder for being hypocrites.

Which, by the way, is why I'm also opposed to all these organizations running around trying to stop peoples' religious displays and practices on the grounds of 'separation of church and state' -- is using the State to squash religious expression not a stunningly hypocritical thing to do in light of their grounds for trying to do it?

Well said. Those are pretty much my thoughts on the whole thing. Doesn't bother me in the least to see someone pray over their meal, a religious display in - gasp! - public or anything else people have been whining about. It does sadden me to see how little they understand the Constitution's separation of church and state's true meaning. It's really a very simple read. If you can't take 20 minutes and read the Constitution and UNDERSTAND it, you need some remedial reading comprehension courses. It was written so it's easy for all to understand. JMO
Well, the Separation Clause has been abused into the dirt, chiefly by those anti-theists. All it says, all it means, is that Congress can't set up a State church like the Church of England. That's it. Doesn't say shit about "no prayer in school", "no ten commandments monuments in front of courthouses" -- doesn't say any of that shit. Just says the Feds can't set up a church.
A moral atheist would be indistinguishable from a true christian by biblical definition. Not that there is such a thing as a true christian. I've certainly never met one. At least not that I'm aware of.

But if there was you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.