Troll Kingdom

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Oh, you TW rascals


New member
We haven't been formally introduced.

I don't even think you realise how embarrassingly childish you are, your perpetual vulgarity and genitalia references notwithstanding.

I haven't been around to see your little tree-house club 'invasion' but it's fairly obvious you've already succumbed to TK trolling by having to prattle on how badly you've 'owned' this site, despite not noticing how badly you care that its members realise your immense victory.

I seriously suggest leaving, before we make you cry. These aren't your kiddie fora, and you as trolls are out of your league here.
Messenger said:
We haven't been formally introduced.

Hi. I'm Gurk. Since when do trolls give a half a piece of shit about "formality"?

Oh, and your avatar looks like a wiccan gay bath house towelboy. Did you find it at some comic book site?
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
You're the asshole prattling about being "formally introduced" and talking about delusional "leagues" ...
I'm not prattling at all, good sir. And what I wrote is indeed true: Your group are trying to be nothing but flamers, and you even suck at that.

Spamming a board and calling people homosexuals isn't trolling. I certainly hope you don't think it is.

Actually, it does. It looks like something a transvestite would dress up in for a Pride Parade.
Messenger said:
We haven't been formally introduced..

I wasn't aware that your existence was even worth mentioning...

Messenger said:
I don't even think you realise how embarrassingly childish you are,

Me? Why I have been nothing but professional since my arrival. I did find it rather disenchanting that the Owner/Operator here sent the "Landed Gentry" and the "Rabble" to greet his Peer. At least someone from the "Nobility" would have been nice.

Messenger said:
I seriously suggest leaving, before we make you cry. These aren't your kiddie fora, and you as trolls are out of your league here.

I seriously suggest you return to your "Manor" and the few "Serfs" you oversee, and ask one of the "Feudal Lords" with a little better "Peerage" to address me next time.