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Ok, 'fess up which one of you

EnglishRose said:
came up with this weeks name for this forum? :shock:

whoever it was, I love you ;)

do I get my own smilie now?

That would be me..... you needed to ask? :D

And speling has never been one of my talents.

still, she gets her own beach at TK - that's saying something...

er, exactly what, well I'll leave that to you to decide...!

I love you mm ;) and I'll forgive you the spelling mistake as you have so many other talents, too many to list :D

Hey C2 - I don't think it's saying anything really, I'm honoured, flattered, amused :D :D :D
btw - was the weather good enough to have a bonfire on the weekend? One of my students, who's Mum's British was telling us about theirs and I thought of you.
Just think, Guy Fawkes celebrated way up here - what a small world now!
The weather was perfect down here in the south - we had a roaring fire and burned the guy (and the pumpkin), we let of large fireworks, drank mulled wine and hot spiced cider and partied the night away :D
Indeed - and this year we managed not to burn anything else - last year we burnt the greenhouse (it melted) all the plants and a section of fencing :D
curiousa2z said:
Just think, Guy Fawkes celebrated way up here - what a small world now!
Isn't it great - the whole world celebrating an attempted assasination by burning the effigy of a catholic! I haven't been to a good catholic burning for ages!
Isn't it great - the whole world celebrating an attempted assasination by burning the effigy of a catholic! I haven't been to a good catholic burning for ages!

meh...a sacrifice is a sacrifice....that's just the latest incarnation of it...Jack's been very astute and caught on to the true origins of 'a bonfire in early November'.... nice Horned Goat, btw.... ;)
Speaking of The Wicker Man- someone else famous was in that- but who?
Now That woulda been a good one to watch for Halloween!
Haven't seen it in years - not even on TV.

Anybody actually own it?
Kerb Crawler said:
Usually us Yanks just club the woman, have our way, and move on to the next conquest, armchair, and/or can o' beer.

Or all three, if we're feeling particularly ambitious.

AH DOODLEY-DIDDLEY-DOODLEY-DEEDLEY-- FUCK, I hate it when that happens! :pissed:
curiousa2z said:
Speaking of The Wicker Man- someone else famous was in that- but who?
Now That woulda been a good one to watch for Halloween!
Haven't seen it in years - not even on TV.

Anybody actually own it?

Edward Woodward was also in it.

I have it on VHS, taped off the TV many moons ago :D