OK, I'll say it... Borgs come back when you grow up!


TrekBBS Wench
Hell if I know. Supposedly with the upgrade which should be any time now.

Believe me, I want it back as much as you guys, if not more. It's a pain in the ass not having it.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
From your lips to Capps' ... ...



...never mind. Some images don't belong in ANYones's heads... :who?me?:

* Note: If someone replaced Capps as tech, I don't follow things that colsely, just sub the right name...


New Member
Capps was inadvertantly assimilated during a mishap with AutoAdmin. AntonyF was drafted to replace him when it was discovered he was the only person who actually knew how to check his mail on the staff email applet.