Once again, local government fucks the little guy

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So L.A. County is in a drought. Not big news, it's always in a drought. But this year, they've declared a drought emergency, which has prompted mandatory water restrictions.

Normally, this involves not being able to water your lawn, or wash your car, under penalty of fine. Most people comply, because if there's one thing that's true about people in the L.A. area, it's that they are nosy bastards, and will report their neighbors at the drop of a hat.

This time, however, it's different. Under the pretenses of trying to avoid a true emergency, L.A. County has declared that every household must immediately cut water consumption by 15%. Failure to do so for 2 consecutive months will result in a 15% increase in your water bill for one year. This is a rolling figure, too, so if you get the increase, are in compliance for 11 months and then mess up again, another year of increases gets tacked on. Oh, and by the way, this fee doesn't go to the water company, it goes straight into the coffers of L.A. County.

This is a transparent ploy to generate revenue, and it unfairly targets families. The average single person or married couple shouldn't have a problem shaving 15% from thier consumption. Don't wash your car or water your lawn, reduce your showers by 5 minutes and you're pretty much done. Plus, you probably can run your dishwasher 1 less time per week and not be out of dishes and utensils.

But what about if you have kids? I have three people in my household, all of whom take showers, all of whom brush their teeth, all of whom need clean clothes. Every weekend we do at least 4 loads of wash, sometimes 5. If you add just one more kid to the mix, which is actually the average in the United States, you can add probably 2 more loads of laundry to that average. How are you supposed to conserve? Start washing whites with colors? Re-use dirty plates, forks, etc.?

Water conservation is a good thing, don't get me wrong. But this measure is out of whack, and will unfairly penalize familes over single people. It's a tax increase by a different name.

The good news for me is that I don't live in L.A. County, so it doesn't affect me personally. But it's only a matter of time before the other counties catch one and see how much revenue is generated. Just like the Red Light cameras in Riverside. Ugh.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I would imagine the lawsuits are already piling up against this measure.


Registered User
That's what you get for settling half your country in a desert. The sooner SoCal, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico are evacuated and emptied of all human life, the better.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
As long as Vegas can be picked up and transplanted en masse to another location, I agree.



Is this real life?
What happens to people who are already ultra water efficient? Do they still have to reduce their consumption by 15%? How? Drinking their own piss?