Only G.E.D. graduates allowed for New Age Posting.


Count me in! I'll the be the white guy acting like a white guy. I'd also like to offer Blackfoot some blankets, and beads for control of N.A.P.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
the syphilis infested blankets?
Only G.E.D. graduates allowed for New Age Posting. Count me in! I'll the be the white guy acting like a white guy. I'd also like to offer Blackfoot some blankets, and beads for control of N.A.P.

JESUS CHRIST, are you a member of New Age Posting? Do the trolls a favor and give us the dap on how Blackfoot got controll of the pork account that is currently being used by geddis.

What's your take on geedis being the fake geedis?

OH! JESUS CHRIST, another thread started about Blackfoot or New Age Posting.

GOD have mercy on your soul