Troll Kingdom

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Its all the white stuff I sniff up my nose. Just kidding. Drugs are bad mmkay?
Anyway, I really do need help in the shower today. I went hiking and took a fall, I scraped up my knee and my left hand. I feel like an idiot, but yeah if you could just soap that area and those areas there, and help me not to get too wet in some places and can you pull I mean wash my hair for me too?
Or is that asking too much?

Oh, it's not too much to ask at all. I'll make sure you are clean everywhere. I'll pull your hair as I wash it. But you need to be bent over so I can better handle it. Then I have a special part for those hard to reach places that need attention.
I was going to go out to see Transformers 2 tonite but after my mom stressed me out about job searching and my clothes shrinking when I did laundry. I think I'll just stay in and spam and watch True Blood tonite and see Transformers 2 when I'm in a better mood.

You lost your job?