Osama = strike = Ex escrew.com owner


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Since I'm not going to ever read through all of that shite, how about you tell me what the fuck escrew is and why I should care?

king goblin

New Member
I think osama has the best answer to that question. But it was a website around 2001 It had 5 million posts and strike(osama aka vicktor) was the owner and it was a spinoff of fuckedcompany.com. well anyway I think osama needs to finish this story. His hosting provider shut down his site and cost him about 1.6 million per year in income.

He's been trying to sell the site domain ever since



lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
So OS@M@ used to run it? And since it's been gone, he's lost 1.6 million dorrars?


king goblin

New Member
I don't know if you know this or not but this isnt the only site where osama posts like this. He does the same thing on about 20 other sites I know of. I believe its in retaliation for the loss of escrew aswell as the his herpes infection. I've tried to reach him since we used to be good friends but I can't seem to get through to him for a business proposition but it would appear he has gone mentally insane.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Oh, I know. He does it everywhere and most people just ignore it.

It's syphilis that makes you go crazy, btw. Might want to rethink your STD diagnosis ;)

king goblin

New Member
I’m saying over the diagnosis he had a mental breakdown not necessarily it medically causes insanity. Being diagnosed with a lifetime illness and loosing over 1 million dollars does that to people. He posted medical sheets about 5 or 6 years ago in an escrew main base. I'd post them but that would go against forum rules. even saying his real full name would so thats all I can say about that.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
There are such things are PMs, AIM, MSN, etc ;)

Name your poison, this is amusing me for the night.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
By the way, I'm not being malicious about my inquiries. This has just caught my interest. I don't really care about his name or anything of that sort. And you could be lying for all I know.


king goblin

New Member
notice in the thread how I never said strike or vicktor B. he brought the names up all on his own. I also don't have AIM or MSN or any of that. I actually just recently got back into forum posting this month. Thats all I'll do for now I have not used AIM since high school back when it was some really shitty applet.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Yeah, I don't really care and I'm not going to ban you for it.


king goblin

New Member
Toronto based website plans to benefit from unsuccessful part of our society.
While many websites trying to attract the most successful, eScrew.com is taking different approach. We are targeting the least successful representatives of Internet users says Viktor Bychenok, founder of eScrew.com.

While many websites trying to attract the most successful, eScrew.com is taking different approach. We are targeting the least successful representatives of Internet users says Viktor Bychenok, founder of eScrew.com.

The content of the website is generated by users since eScrew.com is a vBulletin message board. You can find wide range of topics ranging from business and stock market to sex and mental health.

While there are websites like f---edcompany.com who try to benefit from failing dot coms, eScrew.com takes one step further and creates a community for failing Internet users.

Viktor Bychenok is very confident that his business model will be successful. There is one simple reason for such optimism. People who fail tend to be very comfortable while communicating as a group. They often mistreated in the real life for various reasons. eScrew.com helps failing people to get together and find a way to succeed.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Technically, as there's no way to correlate what you're saying to a particular poster... well, I don't really know.

And yes, I'm an admin. A fairly useless admin, but I've got some of the pretty buttons ;)


New Member
He's been trying to sell the site domain ever since


I will fight PUD!



lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Hi OS@M@!

Me and you need to have a little chit-chat, by the way.

Knock it off with the NSFW pictures, I'm getting sick of editing your posts. Kthnxbai.

king goblin

New Member
anyway strike or osama rather I still have the licences you gave me all those years ago and I setup a new escrew.com but I need you to co-sign to financing loans. and let me use the domain ofc. or you can just sign me over the domain. OR ill sue you