Overdraft fees


Fucking robbery.

I now have a balance of -$243 because of 9 seperate $33 dollar overdraft fees in two days. My mistake, a $6 miscalculation. Turns out though, that without the overdraft fees I'd actually have $54 in my account.

It's insane. First, the fee is rediculously high and should be optional - I should be able to choose a bounced check, or the ATM/Debit Machine should refuse the money.

Second, I made a deposit the same day as the debit, but they took out the debit first, then put in the depost, then slapped me with an overdraft fee which snowballed into more otherdraft fees.

Fucking banks. How do they get away with this shit? Really?
Call your bank, talk to the first person.
Then, when they can't do anything but explain why, ask to talk to a supervisor.

I've done this a number of times and got a lot of overdraft fees overturned.
The first person can't actually do anything. Just explain the situation.
The Supervisor can overturn fees.

Explain the snowball effect and how, if they had just posted them in the right order, or if they were posted in the order you did them in, you wouldn't have had most of the overdraftes. It's not then your fault, but theirs.

Like I said, I've done this a number of times and have gotten most of the overdraft fees I've ever had, overturned.

Be decisive and direct.
OMG! I totally agree! I think you should be able to choose if you want overdraft protection or not. It's super ghey...seriously...
Big Dick McGee said:
Or alternately, you could keep more than $6 in your account.
It's my money. I earned it. Why should I have to keep some fixed amount in the bank unspent just so I don't get robbed by fees? Why do I need a fucking bank in the first place?

As I see it, the banks force me to use them - by shutting down 'banking' services offered by places like paypal, then act like they own MY money.
Well you could close your account and buy money orders to prevent this from happening again. Or pay cash for everything.

Otherwise you should think about getting a savings account that earns but can be used for overdraft protection.
A savings account that pays less interest than inflation? And if you don't have an account you'll find those money orders cost you a hefty fee - that is, if you can even get your payroll checked cashed in the first place.
Hambil said:
It's my money. I earned it. Why should I have to keep some fixed amount in the bank unspent just so I don't get robbed by fees? Why do I need a fucking bank in the first place?

As I see it, the banks force me to use them - by shutting down 'banking' services offered by places like paypal, then act like they own MY money.

You don't have to use a bank. You could pay for everything by credit card, like I do, then write one money order a month to pay it off.

My overall point is, you should have some savings in your bank account. Don't blow every dollar you make, and you won't have to worry about overdraft fees.
First of all, where the hell do you bank that the NSF fees are $33.00 a pop? Jesus H. Christ! Second, I sort of had that happen to me except the bank deposited my money into my parent's business account (similar account #'s) and then when I got that mess straightend out I had to point out that it was still $60.00 less than it should be and they said, "Well yes, you had $60.00 in Non-Suffcient Funds charges." So I clamly replied, "You put my money in the wrong account and then charged me those NSF charges when my debits came through, that wasn't MY fault, now was it?" Put Little Miss Smarty Pants in her place. Um, yeah DOI!
^Bank of America and Wells Fargo are THE WORST banks ever created by man. I stick with little banks, they're much, much less likely to screw with my money.
I never attempted to Bank with BOA. Wait, I did inquire about an account first, and then 3 months later I have a bill for inactivity on an account I never authorized opening or used! So don't even inquire at BOA, they will fine you!
Only reason I banked with WF was because my parents helped me open up my first account with them in 96. Now I'm with Compass and they're great.
My first account was at BofA, that was in '89 and I made like $50.00 a week babysitting. With such a little amount you'd think handling my account wouldn't be a big deal, well you'd be wrong. Just about every single week I'd get an NSF notice and I'd have to rush to the bank after school and straighten it out. I stayed with BofA for a long time but then switched to whatever bank the business banked at, that way my account was usually free. The last interaction I had with BofA was when my friend deposited cash throught the ATM, which was stupid but someone within the branch stole the cash. I went with my friend to discuss it with the branch manager and he was just such an amazing fucking prick that I ended up calling him an asshole and getting escorted out of the bank by security. I wrote a letter to complain and apparently I wasn't the only person to complain about the guy, he was let go about a month later.
Laker_Girl said:
^Bank of America and Wells Fargo are THE WORST banks ever created by man. I stick with little banks, they're much, much less likely to screw with my money.

I've been with BofA for well over ten years.
That's one of the reasons they will work with me on reducing fees.
They actually do give me loyalty leeway. They like and will take steps to keep loyal customers.

I even still have my original No limit ATM account. They don't offer it anymore.
You're just lucky then. My brother has banked with BofA for 20 years and he's never, ever had a problem. You and my brother are about the only people I know that have never had a problem with BofA, seriously.