Overdraft fees

Hambil said:
Yeah. Wells Fargo. But, Bank of America was even worse.

The thing that turned me off of 1st Interstate/Wells Fargo was the fact that I couldn't send money between states.
3 people on the account, one lived in another state.
The one needed money and so I deposited money in the account for him to withdraw. The fucking bank physically sent the deposit to the bank in the other state.
And, around that time, 1st/WF fee'd every single thing you did with your account. requesting a balance $1!, requesting a transaction history $1!, etc.
Hambil said:
Fucking robbery.

I now have a balance of -$243 because of 9 seperate $33 dollar overdraft fees in two days. My mistake, a $6 miscalculation. Turns out though, that without the overdraft fees I'd actually have $54 in my account.
You must bank at Wells Fargo like I do. :lol:
Hambil said:
It's my money. I earned it. Why should I have to keep some fixed amount in the bank unspent just so I don't get robbed by fees? Why do I need a fucking bank in the first place?

As I see it, the banks force me to use them - by shutting down 'banking' services offered by places like paypal, then act like they own MY money.

You're right, it's your 6 dollars. Dude, I'm fucking dying over here, because I know you are completely SINCERE in your statement.

Long dong silver is right... practice better fiscal responsibility.

$6 dollars..... HAHAHAHAH
Two words: Online banking. Ever since our bank started offering it for free to everyone at their bank, we've only written one check a month. (Fuckers won't take an online payment, considering taking the business elsewhere) And since there's no fees, I ain't got to cough up for more checks and such. :)
^^Yup, I pay every bill online, except for my weekly daycare bill and my local sewer bill. Damned borough needs to get with the times!
^^Well, the funny thing is, my bank doesn't offer online banking, it's the merchants that I pay who do! Everything from my mortgage to my cable company to American Honda Finance, they all have free online payment options. Hell, I even auto-pay my credit card and auto insurance. They just take the payment out when due, I don't even have to remember to select it for payment.

I am meticulous (ok, ANAL) about adding everything to Quicken, so no online banking is ok. My bank is just extremely convenient, inasmuch as I don't have an ATM card. Plus, they're all friendly, knowledgable, and very customer-service oriented.
Oh, just wait until they have an actual option at your bank. I'm telling you, all you gotta do is take a peek at it once a day to make sure everything looks kosher, and go about your day. Wicked easy.