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Paladin demande l'action!


New member
Paladin visit forum see everywhere post by mans call Wordsmith. Where people boss of to stop. Paladin no like spam. Quebec have law not allowed spam Paladin call la Videotron talk about stop. All world know Videotron own by biggest motherfuck company in world call Quebecor. Paladin know mans in world not want fuck with Quebecor big company make Wordsmith become bumfuck partner.
Mangedlamarde said:

Ah there est fake Frenchmans guy. Paladin ask many time where from in Montreal fake Frenchmans guy MangeMerde refuse answer. Paladin know MangeMerde not even Canadian at all forget Montreal. Many time Paladin ask where in Montreal. What rue? MangeMerde ignore not answer because afraid Paladin learn truth he bullshit liar fake. MangeMerde est l'anglais. Paladin tell MangeMerde go away look for other peoples stupide tell lie to. Paladin catch MangeMerde lie when talk about how French people to each other speak he wrong liar. Make MangeMerde nervous angry Paladin know truth.
Paladin said:
MangeMarde avoid question million time. Paladin not ask where is Montreal. He know ou est Montreal. Paladin ask where in Montreal from is MangeMerde? Look at many posts again where Paladin ask question same over and over again MangeMerde never answer.

Oh, sorry if I didn't understand the question very well... if only you didn't type like a retarded...

Paladin said:
Paladin tell MangeMerde go to Quebec forum site talk and call all people on site Quebecer watch what happen. MangeMerde will be tell by peoples go fuck off not respect les Quebecois.

You suck. If I go on a french forum I won't call them Quebecer.

Paladin said:
Paladin ask one more time like already ask million time, where in Montreal live MangeMarde? Paladin know MangeMarde not answer proof he liar.

Yeah, like I'll post my adresse on a forum. The more I can say is I live in LaSalle.
Mangedlamarde said:
Oh, sorry if I didn't understand the question very well... if only you didn't type like a retarded...

You suck. If I go on a french forum I won't call them Quebecer.

Yeah, like I'll post my adresse on a forum. The more I can say is I live in LaSalle.

MangeMerde take long time respond. Take too long find Mapquest look for map Montreal? Paladin ask where from in Montreal to you two day ago you not respond now respond because found Mapquest. This prove MangeMerde liar. Ou est la forum de Montreal?
bad dog said:
you two should have a hockey death match.

Not good idea Paladin play hockey since age 6 ans. Paladin skate before can walk. If Paladin play hockey death match MangeMerde walk around after with hockey stick drag from his asshole on street in city Americain where he live. MangeMerde then become l'embrasse.
Paladin said:
MangeMerde take long time respond. Take too long find Mapquest look for map Montreal? Paladin ask where from in Montreal to you two day ago you not respond now respond because found Mapquest. This prove MangeMerde liar. Ou est la forum de Montreal?

Eh, 'la forum'? It's 'le forum'. It took all this time to respond because you type like a retarded.
Mangedlamarde said:
Oh, sorry if I didn't understand the question very well... if only you didn't type like a retarded...

You suck. If I go on a french forum I won't call them Quebecer.

Yeah, like I'll post my adresse on a forum. The more I can say is I live in LaSalle.

You live in Montreal college call LaSalle? Dean of college know you live in his college? He become tres fache if he find out kick your Americain ass back to Boston where you live.
Paladin said:
You live in Montreal college call LaSalle? Dean of college know you live in his college? He become tres fache if he find out kick your Americain ass back to Boston where you live.

I don't live in a college, stupid. And I'm not American, just like you're not Quebecer. Not even French. I don't know what you are...
Mangedlamarde said:
I don't live in a college, stupid. And I'm not American, just like you're not Quebecer. Not even French. I don't know what you are...

See proof MangeMarde est liar. LaSalle is college in Montreal. MangeMarde still addresse Paladin as Quebecer not Quebecois. This another proofs he liar. Quebecois not call other Quebecois as Quebecer. Never in entire history. Why Quebecois make term used by les anglais? Paladin already show all peoples in site proof Quebecois never say Quebecer ever. MangeMarde is Americain want pretend to be Frenchman because all women think he ugly so believe good idea pretend make womans like him.
Proof MangeMerde est liar!

MangeMerde tell Paladin he live LaSalle in Montreal. Paladin know right away MangeMerde liar. Here proof is.

How possible MangeMerde live in a college? I not ask him if he live in house or apartment. I ask what area he live in he know this true. Proof he liar big one.
Paladin said:
See proof MangeMarde est liar. LaSalle is college in Montreal.

Maybe it is a college, but it is not only a college, dumb. LaSalle can almost be counted as another city, but it is in Montréal.

Paladin said:
Paladin already show all peoples in site proof Quebecois never say Quebecer ever.

Yes, you showed me something in french... that's why no one said Quebecer.

Paladin said:
MangeMarde is Americain want pretend to be Frenchman because all women think he ugly so believe good idea pretend make womans like him.

No, that is you. Well, not exactly, I don't think you're American.
Paladin said:
See proof MangeMarde est liar.

And proof that you're a liar is in every single post you make. Anyone as snotty about being French as you are AND as shitty with English as you pretend to be wouldn't bother typing a single word in English, because you:

1. Wouldn't want to appear inferior, as you do, and

2. Would consider French to be the superior language and wouldn't condescend to post messages in an "inferior tongue."

Now fuck off.
Mangedlamarde said:
Maybe it is a college, but it is not only a college, dumb. LaSalle can almost be counted as another city, but it is in Montréal.

Yes, you showed me something in french... that's why no one said Quebecer.

No, that is you. Well, not exactly, I don't think you're American.

Paladin see MangeMerde make many pretty red box on his post. This mean MangeMerde become tres fache? Why fache? Is because Paladin show world MangeMerde is fake Quebecois wannabe? Paladin many times prove MangeMerde not francais so he angry at Paladin become then put pretty red box on Paladin post. Paladin prove LaSalle not town or municipal in Montreal but is college MangeMerde angry Paladin catch MangeMerde liar.
Paladin show MangeMerde something en francais but MangeMerde tricky pretend not see point. Paladin repeat point once again. You see is Quebecois on French newsletter and not Quebecer? If yes then MangeMerde know point so hide pretend ignorant. If in newsletter Paladin show says Quebecois why MangeMerde call Paladin Quebecer? Only les anglais call Quebecois as Quebecer never les Quebecois call les Quebecois that word is insult. First time MangeMerde is meet Paladin he call Paladin Quebecer after find out Paladin est francais. This proof he not Quebecois. One Quebecois not greet fellow Quebecois say Quebecer. Not in many billions years. MangeMerde liar many times very bad.
Aussi, Paladin ask MangeMerde about le Forum en Montreal. MangeMerde not know Forum not exist est destruction many years ago. More proofs MangeMerde is very bad mans liar.