Palin as 2012 Presidential Candidate


Forever Empress E
She has a 76% approval rating among Republicans.

I don't know what pool of Republicans were polled. I know no one called and asked me.

I thought she was with the Tea Party now.

Hm... we've got to get a viable third party. And, we've got to get it now.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Tea Party = Republican Party
Palin is literally the worst imaginable choice for the Republican nomination.


beer, I want beer
I think Palin is an awesome choice for continued Democratic leadership in this country.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I honestly do not understand her appeal. Even my mother (who is religious, pro-life and pro gun) thinks she is dangerous.


U mad 'bro?
Well, since Palin already said that she wasn't going to run, that means that if she does run, she is a liar from the get-go.

Lying: the Political Way.


Registered User
Well, since Palin already said that she wasn't going to run, that means that if she does run, she is a liar from the get-go.

Lying: the Political Way.

She hasn't said that she's not going to run. Every single prospective candidate toes the same line: "I don't plan to run", which is subtly but crucially different.


Forever Empress E
I think many of them say they aren't going to run. Then, they come out and say they are running because the American public wants them to run. Still, she won't call me and ask me what I think.


U mad 'bro?
That's OK. She won't return my calls either.

She knows that I'll make her feel like an idiot.

Which really isn't that hard.

Hell. FBI II even has a chance of doing that.


Forever Empress E
I don't think the Libeterian's are really viable at this point. They are still too narrowly focused.

I've read their platform and while it seems really great for the most part, they don't seem to take into consideration how things like infrastructure will be paid for. Further, their idea of national defense is to basically turn us into isolatonist.

It is all groovy good to rid us of the IRS and be able to smoke dope on our front porches, but in reality, that doesn't do much in keeping persons as individuals or united in a country together.

And, while I agree that we don't need the government to be big brother, we do need systems in place that help us out when things don't go as well as hoped. Just doing away with social security and thinking the public will be generous to those whose private sector plans for their retirement don't work out well is a load of hooey. Think about the people who lost their retirement funds when Enron went bad. I don't know about the rest of you, but I lost alot of money in my 401k and investments over the past few years. I've rebounded a bit here and there, but seems just as soon as I do there is another economic slump. If I was forced to retire right now I'd be up shit creek without a paddle if there wasn't a social security system - which I've been forced to pay in my whole working life of going on 40 years. Am I really just supposed to hope that people will give me a few pennies here and there to help me survive in poverty in my old age?

This outsourcing piecemeal the government to private sector sources really isn't the brightest idea either. Try finding who is responsible for anything in the jumbled up mess that would be! Here's a scenario. You're driving down the road one day and a piece of the road gives way and your front tire falls into a pothole which bends up your wheel and messes up your front end. You have to have the car towed to a repair shop and it costs a couple of thousand dollars to fix the wheel, replace the tire and straighten out the front end damage. You call your local government and you are told that roads are outsourced to XYZ Co. You call XYZ Co. and they tell you that they outsourced that to CBQ Co. You call CBQ Co. and they tell you that the section of road subject to the incident was built by the RBJ Co. and they are the liable parties. You call RBJ Co. and you discover that they 've been sold to the BBN Co. You call the BBN Co. and they tell you that they only built the road and they are not responsible for the maintenance of the road. You could spend days, weeks, months and never find out who is actually responsible for the damage done to your car. In the meantime, you are still out the money for the repair, the towing, the rental car, and other costs associated with dealing with the problem, unless your insurance will cover it. Good luck. I went through a nightmare over a dryer I bought from Best Buy and their outsourcing BS. I finally had to just give up and buy another new dryer and never did get reimbursed for the new one I bought that the person they outsourced the delivery to dropped when they delivered it.


Let's fuck some shit up
Did you take it to court?

Anyway, we are a long way off from the anarcho-society you describe. You should subscribe to their newsletter and see what their daily views on topics are. Really quite insightful, if I may say so.

Yes, we would like to dissolve a lot of big government, but that will easily take a whole century worth of work. The duopoloy we have in place is so wonderfully bureaucratic that it will take that long just to do the paperwork. Besides, society isn't ready for a true laissez faire government. As for the Military. We should be more isolationist with it. I'm not saying that we should go back to pre WW2 isolationism, but we should definitely stop placing large quantities of soldiers in other countries. That has been a huge reason our foreign relations are so strained. How would you feel if, say, China garrisoned several thousand of their soldiers, equipment, and weapons a few miles from your house? You'd probably feel like the people of Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Italy, Greece, Cuba, Egypt, or any of the other 600+ neighbors we've made. With the advent of aircraft carriers and our not-so-top-secret space deployment strategies, there is absolutely no need to maintain bases on foreign soil.


Forever Empress E
They aren't insane. I remember when their platform was just to legalize marijuana so they have come a long way. They need to work on it is all. Of course, the Democrats and the Republicans need to work on their party platforms too. Both have strayed a great deal. Used to be we weren't so far apart in what we wanted, disagreeing mostly on how to achieve the objectives. Now each party is willing to destroy the country if it will get them votes from some faction that doesn't have the best interest of the country at heart.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
The libertarian movement is infected with vast numbers of nationalist retards like the 'Forgers who just want their rights to shoot the browns protected. Actual, genuine libertarians are rare as fuck in this country. :(

In the rhetorical contest between the poles of "hate kill hate kill" and "tax give tax give," unfortunately more coherent approaches tend to get sidelined.


Registered User
The libertarian movement is infected with vast numbers of nationalist retards like the 'Forgers who just want their rights to shoot the browns protected. Actual, genuine libertarians are rare as fuck in this country. :(

In the rhetorical contest between the poles of "hate kill hate kill" and "tax give tax give," unfortunately more coherent approaches tend to get sidelined.

Fun fact:

I've just had a bowel movement that was bigger and more important than the libertarian movement.

More consistent, too.