Panda, why do you spend so much time defending me?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Lighten up asswipe. You're no more elf boy than I'm the pope.

You just made a stupid "you sent it claim" like he did.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


New Member
Sarek said:
Ok, Elnidfse. :p
It has become apparent to me that I have a sort of negative message that has been presently set and associated with my name. While I am all among my name being associated with any kind of actions, be it good or bad, I must say that such use of my name will cost you a small fortune. You see, my name is not something that can just be flung about like a poor alley wench. No, my good sir, it is to be treasured or loathed in a delicate fashion and for each use, I will have to charge a $25 service fee.

Sarek said:
You just made a stupid "you sent it claim" like he did.
If you wish to further your point then I will have to ask you, my good and delicate sir, to show them once again that screen shot of the "picture" that I send you. I think that was almost as funny as that laptop incident.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Elnidfse said:
It has become apparent to me that I have a sort of negative message that has been presently set and associated with my name. While I am all among my name being associated with any kind of actions, be it good or bad, I must say that such use of my name will cost you a small fortune. You see, my name is not something that can just be flung about like a poor alley wench. No, my good sir, it is to be treasured or loathed in a delicate fashion and for each use, I will have to charge a $25 service fee.

If you wish to further your point then I will have to ask you, my good and delicate sir, to show them once again that screen shot of the "picture" that I send you. I think that was almost as funny as that laptop incident.

Shut the fuck up.


New Member
Sarek said:
Shut the fuck up.
I'm apologize my good sir. However, in relation to my nature as a male, I will not be able to shut the 'fuck'. Now while I do like to 'fuck up' or, in many other occasions, 'fuck' others 'up', I will not be able to make way with whatever statement that you have wished for me to do in the first place. I thank you in advance with whatever response you plan to humor me with next that refers to my sexual activity.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I need some marijuana.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
The Dork Lord said:
He said "Shut the fuck up".

You fail to comply.

You need to understand the method involved in reading Elf's posts. For instance, take the last one. He posted some long drawn out tirade. However, I read it as thus.

Elnidfse said:
I'm apologize my good sir. However, in relation to my nature as a male, I will not be able to shut the 'fuck'. Now while I do like to 'fuck up' or, in many other occasions, 'fuck' others 'up', I will not be able to make way with whatever statement that you have wished for me to do in the first place. I thank you in advance with whatever response you plan to humor me with next that refers to my sexual activity.

See? It's not that difficult. ;)


New Member
Sarek said:
You need to understand the method involved in reading Elf's posts. For instance, take the last one. He posted some long drawn out tirade. However, I read it as thus.

See? It's not that difficult. ;)
That was clever, Sarek. You managed to entertain me in an immeasurable value. Be that as it may, I do recall mentioning to you in my original post that I did not grant you permission to use my name in any shape form or fashion. As that is, if those are the only words that you can see, might I give you the number to a shrink I've heard on the radio. They say that we see what's on your mind. By that logic, your mind is echoing that your a fuck-up. Sort so say, you are, by nature, a mere uh-oh baby. However, since 99.9% of babies in the world are planned, you don't exist. Therefore, I'm responding to no-one.