Panic On/Off Switch

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Is this some erogenous zone I didn't know about?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No, this is why some of us cant use invisible mode still.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
You can't just put a URL in the "Panic Button URL Jump" field to fix it?


RIP 1970~2018
Inoright? Unfortunately, we no longer speak because she's completely insane. But it sure was fun while it lasted. Last time I spoke to her (some years ago now) she demanded I give her $8500 and accused me of turning my back on my family when I refused. She's a regular peach.


Pinata Whacker
Inoright? Unfortunately, we no longer speak because she's completely insane. But it sure was fun while it lasted. Last time I spoke to her (some years ago now) she demanded I give her $8500 and accused me of turning my back on my family when I refused. She's a regular peach.

Sounds like my oldest brother. Visited on Sunday to help my mom get stuff ready for the bankruptcy lawyer. Instead he screamed the whole time about getting my mom declared mentally incompetent, how me and the youngest brother where losers and should sell our cars, get rid of the digital cable boxes, do some home repair(unemployed and mom declaring bankruptcy, so how does that work moneywise?), and get jobs so his taxes don't go to supporting us. The afternoon ended with my youngest brother throwing a gallon jug of water at him while yelling at him to "Fuck off and die and telling him to repay the $1000 I had loaned him years ago." Oldest brother threatens to punch him, youngest brother puts him in a headlock. After he is released he screams "I'm never coming back here again!" I say"Good riddance!" He grabs his poor innocent crying son(my nephew)and storms out. I blocked and defriended him(and his girlfriend) on Facebook and haven't heard from him since.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
D'OH, I just figured out how to use the panic button. What I don't understand is why we have to have the panic button switched on with the url added just to change other options unrelated to the panic button.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What kind of a fucking pussy would use invisible mode?

Seems like Donovan does, among many others. It's an option, not a moral strength or weakness. :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
D'OH, I just figured out how to use the panic button. What I don't understand is why we have to have the panic button switched on with the url added just to change other options unrelated to the panic button.

I don't understand the URL thing. What URL do I put in there?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You can put any url you want in there, what it does is add a panic button in the lower right corner of every post so that if your boss sneaks up on you at work you can click it and it will take you to a different site, like (the google icon will be in the lower right of every post).

I guess there's some glitch in the hack that won't allow you to edit your options unless you switch on and fill in the url. If you do that, you should be able to change yourself to invisible, or turn signatures on or off.. all the stuff on that page should work for you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thank you, sweets :D


RIP 1970~2018
Let's hope the apple does, in fact, fall far from the tree.

But I don't think so.

Fortunately, my children seem to be doing a better job than I did/do.