Peoria, Illinois


TAFKA Chadarnook
I just like Peoria.

Right across the river is where it's nicest.

Nah, not Eastern Peoria. WESTERN is where it's at :lol:


TAFKA Chadarnook
He's big and butch and wants to find someone he can . . . have fun with.


wolverines ate my mother
Investigate Now - Peoria - Does It Exist?

i've never heard of peoria. is it nice? is it a real place? it looks more like a random selection of letters to me. perhaps nobody really comes from there and it is really one large and over complicated geographical troll. Perhaps TPTB should instigate an investigation.


TAFKA Chadarnook
i've never heard of peoria. is it nice? is it a real place? it looks more like a random selection of letters to me. perhaps nobody really comes from there and it is really one large and over complicated geographical troll. Perhaps TPTB should instigate an investigation.

I actually picked a random city in the United States.

Forget I ever started this thread.



wolverines ate my mother
What is this? MIND CONTROL (reaches for tin-foil hat) Sounds like a coverup to me - do you work for the government? are you "The Man"?


New Member
You should have picked Peoria Arizona. It's cooler than any place in Illinois


wolverines ate my mother
there are TWO of them?