Shal said:None of which you are any good at TS.
eloisel said:The day A Karas gets permabanned is soon at hand.
A Karas said:Hell, most of you need a life...
eloisel said:TS, we have to keep in mind - AK is not like those of us who are fortunate enough to live with people who love us.
Tom Sawyer said:Most of us are old enough to vote, except for you.
I don't expect you to defend me. If I believe I am right, I will defend myself and I am better equipped to do so than anyone else. If I am wrong, then I am grown up enough to learn from my mistakes. Any friend of mine messes up and someone takes a verbal stick to them, I don't jump in to defend them being an ass. I only care to get involved in these online dramas when fairness is an issue, otherwise I'd rather play.A Karas said:And I feel sorry for you, eloisel. For not realizing the value of what friendship is. I was always in your defense, and I always genuinely wanted to help and be your friend. All I got was you taking that and throwing it in my face. That was your choice, not mine.
You'd better look again as you are mistaken. Sounding like Jillian isn't helping your cause.I have quite a few good friends in the real world. I don't need to beg for attention anywhere. But it is obvious that you do, as you seem to find my posts and respond to each and every one of them.
It is my nature to forgive, but it is not my nature to ever forget. You apologized so I accept that and thank you for it. Call me friend but realize I'm not the kind that helps you bury the bodies.The fact of the matter is, life is too short. And bitching online is such a waste and a bore. I'd like to offer you a fair deal. At least, I hope you will see it as fair. I apologize for calling you names. You really pissed me off, but that doesn't make it right for me to have said what I said. This year is coming to a close, and a new one is about to begin. I hope we can start with a clean slate. I am willing to at least. Despite all that has happened, I'd rather call you friend, than anything else. But, I leave that up to you. Take care, and be well.
eloisel said:TS, we have to keep in mind - AK is not like those of us who are fortunate enough to live with people who love us.
I'm sorry, TS - that is funny.Utahraptor said:Are you referring to CU's imaginary girlfriend?
Sure. Fine. First off, dumbass, 67 people out of 1945 have voted saying "the place is fed up" is stretching it. What it does say is that a select crowd that bothers to read in ACQ feels this is a quick fix to end the troll problems. Suckers.
Second off, you wouldn't know trolling if it were crammed up your ass at an odd angle. There are many ways to get under someone's skin without getting banned. LOTS OF WAYS.
YeahSoWhat said:Tom Sledgehammer Sawyer.
EnglishRose said:^ are you chanelling peter Gabriel?![]()
YeahSoWhat said:First off dumbshit do you think even 1 percent of EI gives a flying fuck about the games going on in the AQG board? There may be that many members but if that poll gets 100 votes total I'd be surprised. It's like the US election, there may be X number of registered voters but only a small portion gives a shit enough to vote. Show me where I ever said it would end the ability to Troll there? I said it would make it harder (IMO) and that the old piss and moan strategy wasn't likely to serve with the same effect.
Secondly, apparently you're the one needing an education in Trolling since your stupid ass spends more time banned than posting. When I see some of what you call trolling the phrase "pathetically obvious and patently retarded" springs to mind. Why don't you just tatoo "Troll" on your ass and do a little dance over there too? At least Cait has brains enough to be subtle but not Tom Sledgehammer Sawyer. Your pathetic bids for attention have left you looking more like a pussy assed, crybaby than a Troll. Grow some balls (and some brains while you're at it) as far as Trolls go, you're in the pee wee division pal.
Utahraptor said:Are you referring to CU's imaginary girlfriend?