Philadelphia Union sells out tickets for their home opener in five hours!


Dunno anything about this Philadelphia Union but Philly was flipping out when the Phillies won the World Series in 08. I had been waiting for that day for 15 fucking years (MITCH WILLIAMS DARGH) and for awhile thought it would never come.

Watching the Comcast channel after the victory was amusing.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
LOL, this will be just like when the Philadelphia Soul sold all their season tickets in two days. Eventually people will realize that it's fucking boring, and you'll get 25 Mexicans and a handful of pretentious Anglophiles at every game.


Let's fuck some shit up
I dunno. I've got quite a few friends who are ticket-holders for that game. One of them bought season tickets.

Gagh, Mentalist and I have already discussed the snooze fest that is MLS. But, I feel it will only get better if we come out and support them. Besides, the Soul was really boring. C'mon... Arena football, in the US? Why? We have Professional football for that. Arena Football is only popular in places like Germany, because they don't have the space for a REAL football stadium. That, and American Football, let alone Arena, isn't nearly as popular over there as Soccer.

Don't even get me started on the Kixx. That crap was our version of Arena Football for the Europeans.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
In the U.S., soccer is only popular in pretentious liberal cities like Seattle, or San Jose. They can't sell out 21,000 seats for the LA Galaxy, and we have about 4 Mexis for every whitey here. I don't think Philly would have long-term support for an all-nude women's soccer team, let along an MLS team. If it's your thing, great, but I wouldn't count on it being anything more than a passing fancy.


Let's fuck some shit up
^ Says the guy who changes his sig pic depending on the success or failure of the Philly team of the moment.


Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yeah, but I root for those teams all season, year in and year out. Of course there's an order to my interest (Phillies, Eagles, Flyers........Sixers a distant 4th), but I root for them all to do well. If one team is in the finals, I naturally give them more attention.