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Pick A Date


And I will post an entry from my old journal from that date. But I get to pick the year. If there are no entries from that date, I will post from the LiveJournal of someone whose existance I am aware of. But is that person aware of my existance?
I'm so sorry. I can only find one of my old journals right now. So until I find the other one, my responses might be more limited. But there's an entry in that one for April 24th! Lets take a look:
April 24th, 2000.

G-- came in last night. He wouldn't talk about his previous girl troubles, and made a rude comment that I actually didn't hear, but he said something about it anyway in the conversation later. His girlfriend (M--?) dumped him. The first person to dump him. S-- is gay. I like G--'s eyes. His eyebrows are: interestig. He smokes, and smokes pot, or-- uses pot. He used to live in LA. He loves his family and hates himself (Doesn't that sound familiar! :roll: ) I love D--. I miss D-- and can't wait to see him today. He says he's really into politics and is writing a magazine. I MUST inquire about acquiring one. Nice smile must get him to smile more. Asked me to pull my shirt straps so he wouldn't see my cleavage. M-- and I got into a debate about the definition of "making out." At one point before that debate, she said something about kissing and hands, and I tried to clarify by asking if this or that meant something and she replied that it meant ______. I said "oh," and kept a look on my face that I had done that very thing, and quite often. M-- and S-- were engrossed and I pretended (to listen to them while considering what I had done) all for G--'s amusement, of course, and he laughed!! Later he asked me to answer him with a 'yes' or 'no' and absolutely no specifics. Then he asked me [my bra cup size, using a specific letter] I said "no." Then he asked me [my bra size, using different numbers and letters] Again, I said "no." S-- said something about [letter], I laughed, and G-- told S-- that I wasn't, because, with all due respect, [rude comment]. I told G-- that I don't get offended with that sort of thing, he said he was more concerned with offending my boyfriend. I said that D-- doesn't care. G-- loves SilverHawks. He has action figures and some episodes. He invited me over to play with [the action figures], I think he was flirting, then.
Reflections on the above entry:

I remember that. That was at Denny's. I think it was a few days before I broke up with that boyfriend; I was very unhappy all the time and he made me crazy (okay so no one makes anyone crazy but if it is possible then that's what happened). I remember this whole thing, except for the SilverHawks part at the end. This is when I was experimenting with a social life, since I had never had one and I wanted to see what it was like. Questions?

Oh, and all brackets [] are inserted by me now, sometimes editing over personal information.
Nope, it's been too long. I never did play with the action figures or watch the eps again. I wonder if I'd still like them. I don't like ThunderCats anymore.
That is fine. If I think something is not appropriate for this forum, I censor it.
May 25th has no entries.

I should also note that entries will only come in 5 vintages. 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2006. I made no entries in '04 and '05.
Entries pre-1999 were written on whatever was handy at the time, and are not easily locateable. 1999 has a single entry.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:

Gonad said:

After recollection, most definitely not. At all. In any way shape or form. Whoo-hoo! I had a one-timer with G-- a few months later and so far that was the worst fuck out of all the different sexual partners I've had. Good for kissing, but if I had my way I'd kiss him and fuck someone else.
I just found my ex's dream journal on this computer. No entries for Dec. 24 or Sept. 27, but here's May 25th:

5/25/00- This dream was dreamt while sleeping in too late on a school day. I lent my pipe to someone at the corner. The bowl was going around and D---- J---- was hitting it when we all (except D----) saw B---- H---- the security guard walk towards the corner. We said " Oh Shit!!! B----'s coming!" But D---- was either too stupid to hear us or wasn't listening and he hit the pipe right in front of B----. D---- went to the office obviosly. I was somewhat panicked since it was my peice. L---- R---- was telling me to go to the office but I was afraid to because I had a porno mag in my backpack. I was roaming the halls looking for a way to dispose of the pornography. I was walking through an unmarked door and it led me into the girls bathroom. I walked out and into the door next to it and that was a girls bathroom too. The wierd part was that the girls were peeing in a urinal. Then I awakened and rushed to school.