Troll Kingdom

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Piss off Gagh

Me either LOL!

I knew I got under your skin from time-to-time but never actually ticked you off.

I always thought Jurg was the one who managed to anger you.

What with that whole fraudulent card thing. Or was that a troll?
Me either LOL!

I knew I got under your skin from time-to-time but never actually ticked you off.

I always thought Jurg was the one who managed to anger you.

What with that whole fraudulent card thing. Or was that a troll?

This will give you an idea of how pussified I was before joining LoNAF, and subsequently, TK. It's a part of my first post at LoNAF (Oct 5, 2002).

After being 'flamed' as far as the Decipher's STCCG boards will alow it, three times in the last month, for incidents so small & tiny, by new idiots that I have no quarry with, and 1E drawing to a close, the Decipher BBS will no longer be my home.

These idiots, should you wish to know, are 'Captain Hair', 'Taurik' and 'Boothby'. I will miss them as much as a sex addict misses a dose of herpes. Good riddance.

I know some of the old STCCG Decipher chaps are on here - make yourself known please, to allow me to feel more at home!

I remember Captain Hair being an annoying runt, and Taurik being a Supercilious arse - I can't even remember what you had done to raise my velvet-gloved ire, but luckily I explain further on: WARNING, CONTAINS SEVERE PUSSIFICATION

The 'thing' with 'Boothby' was unbeleivable - I had posted something based on a personal opinion, filled it with disclaimers (as I always do through politeness), as to why it was a personal opinion only, and find my entire character assassinated. He asked me to e-mail him, which I did, with a crafted letter (I do this sort of thing for a living, so I'd like to think I have some flair for it) - result? - No repsonse.

Man. I bet I wouldn't even bat an eyelid at the so-called 'trolling & flaming' that went on at Decipher nowadays. Wouldn't even begin to give a shit.

I guess after, what, 6 years (on & off) posting on a heavily moderated board where even the words 'damn' & 'hell' were filtered (the company was based in Virginia), it was a mild shock to be fronted down over anything. I was a bruiser at work before this, but I rememberbeing quite sensitive to any confrontation on the 'Net. Hell - when Wordin coined the phrase 'Pansy Brigade' for LoNAF & EFCL members, I would have been top of the list with Jim Gamma.

As for Rakal - she was, what, in her mid 50's, and clearly a bible-thumping bull-dike in charge of an insanely over-moderated forum. Her appointment actually served to tear the heart out of that board - as moderated as it was, there were some good people on there, and she took it apart.

Oh well - it was a fucking Star Trek board, after all. I guess 12 years of adulthood since I made my first post at Decipher have served than more of an education since my callow 18 year old self first looked it up from the back of an STCCG packet.
oooooohhhhhhhhhhh yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Now I remember.

You had made some asinine (or what I thought to be asinine) comment on DBBS. I was a pissant know-it-all and was also an ambassador (ran local tournaments) for Decipher. Anyway, the e-mail you sent went to an account I can no longer access. You had explained your point concisely and I didn't feel like arguing or apologizing to a guy who I was certain (at the time) I'd never meet.

For those of you not-in-the-know, my former handle on that board was Boothby. I retained it at LoNAF and here for a while. It subsequently changed to what it is now about two or three months into posting here.

That place was full of all kinds of bullshit. Rakal was the head shoveler. She was an associate professor at Cornell University in New York.

Anyway, for those who want more info, here's a few links. Not to anything specifically related to this incident, but to the Decipher Boards and their faggotry.

Code of conduct.

Rules of use.