The PS has some good games, but they're slowly losing it.
You can only have so many Final Fantasies before it gets fucking boring, Snake is getting older and Raiden's too much of a pussy to take over the work (except in Guns of the Patriots where he looks fuckin bad ass), Why get a gran turismo when they look and play so much better on other systems, etc.
There are some games like Guitar Hero that are keeping PS Alive enough to stay off the respirator, but it's not enough.
The Wii has better games everyone enjoys (I'm an avid fan of the Legend of Zelda games, got gold additions of every last one) for all ages as well as some bitchen things you can do with that controller (drawing back Link's bow like you would a real one, hearing the strain of the string and the twang as you relaese it) and the 360 has better graphics and some seriously kick ass games (Ninety-Nine Nights, Dead Rising, Gears of War) where you can do more.
Now with the PS3, Which is fucking worthless with its blue-ray technology, there may be some light at the end of the tunnel for Sony, but it's a long ass ways away. They better start chuging away if they want to keep up with Nintendo and Microsoft.