She cooked and cleaned for them. Hello?
Probably the same thing that happens to you when the lights go out.
Not much.
Wouldn't you like to know?
It is more than you would ever get.
I bet the last tine you saw your dick let alone felt it was when you reached in your pocket to play pocket pool and realized, your dick was too small and didn't reach. You opened up your zipper and your stomach was so big, your dick was playing hide-n- seek in the folds.
LOL that's true. He's a ham-beast. See the pic of him wearing the blouse - size XXXXXL
LOL that's true. He's a ham-beast. See the pic of him wearing the blouse - size XXXXXL
Wouldn't you like to know?
It is more than you would ever get.
I bet the last tine you saw your dick let alone felt it was when you reached in your pocket to play pocket pool and realized, your dick was too small and didn't reach. You opened up your zipper and your stomach was so big, your dick was playing hide-n- seek in the folds.
dick lames?
How third grade.
Don't you get bored?