I prefer brunettes over blondes.
Blair on Gossip Girl is a good girl trying to be bad whereas Serena is bad girl trying to be good.
Bayern Munich is the best football team EVAH.
Cricket is actually fun.
I also think stupid people should be sterilized.
I think there should be more reptile rescues, and funding for the rescues.
Spike was hotter than Angel.
I really liked Enterprise.
I drink red wine with fish.
Spock was sexier than Kirk.
Still is.
Robert Guillaume should've played Sisko & Richard Mulligan Bashir. Rene A stays as Odo, & Ethan Phillips' Neelix joins DS9 & Nog goes to V'GER, via Q. A fair swap I say:)

TWOK has some dummyisms in it's story.

Abrams' nuTrek 2.0 IS overrated.Sorry fellow geeks:(

TPM blew. AOTC was enjoyable, good. ROTS was sloppy, & Luke, duh:frusty:, Anakin morphed into DV too fastlike:rolleyes: Subtlety Lucas you braintrust.

Spike Lee is a whiney untalented white-hating raci$t bitch pile of shit. & probably gay lovers with Denny Washington.

The 1979-now "Klingons"{Space Cavemen} SUCK dead bunnies through a broken & busted straw.They're nuBorellian Nomen 2.0.

Baloney sandwhiches are highly overrated.

Use draconian intolerant methods & policies re: borders, immigration & speaking English.We're a Nation of Laws right:phpquestion:

President Barack Obama is DROWNING in feces from the 5 prior Prez admins.He's shellacked but no one notices the CRAP Barack's forced to use, as it's the best America has for Barack to use:mad:

Most of planet Earth is the 51st state of the U.S.A.:p Deal with it bitches.
1. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
2. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
3. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
4. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
5. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
6. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
7. CaptainWacky has syphilis!
8. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!
Everyone with an IQ under 120 should be sterilized and not allowed to breed.
You should not be allowed to marry someone of your own race.
There is no God.
Forced interracial marriage solves the race problem in only a few generations, by eliminating race.
Well, liberals who are Hambil.

I get the idea, but we'd all grow and benefit a lot more if we could learn to accept our differences, rather than this idea of eliminating them.