I want to smell dark matter
Or as Hitler.
1999: Episode I
2002: Episode II
2005: Episode III
2008: Clone Wars CG movie
2011: Live action movie: either a spin-off from the tv series OR a pilot movie for the series (since it keeps getting delayed.)
Trust me, it will happen. Bump this thread in 2011.
None of you notice the irony in the fact the Empire's soldiers are called 'stormtroopers', after the Nazi force of the same name? You do not notice that the Imperial elite are dressed in black, a la SS? What of the helmet worn by Darth Vader? Clearly Nazi in origin. Now, the HERO of the movie. Have you not noticed he is from a 'desert' world, just as the Jews originated from a desert land also? You DO realise that Luke is a fucking JEW name no? You are all fucking morons to not see this. Think about the 'death star' as opposed to the 'death camps'. If not for the actions of the Nazis against the fucking Jews, Lucas would not be a zillionaire today. I find it truly ironic the has made money off his depiction of Jews against the evil 'empire'. He should pay every single neo-nazi group a portion of his riches for making it possible for him to reach such a staggering level of wealth.
That actually makes some sense.
Of course it does, you moron. Yet, were I to ever publish said article in the States, your FBI and CIA would be hunting me down at the behest of the many Jew organisations which rule the USA. A shame I am CANADIAN, which precludes them any ability to even look at me wrong.
Once again, showing your ignorance. The CIA can't touch AMERICANS. The purpose behind it was to deal with foreign fuckwits like yourself.
Uh, the CIA most certainly CAN touch Americans, you moron. Whilst their main goal is the defeat of foreign belligerents, they can and will capture their own if it is so necessary. Look at your own fucking Patriot Act, you moron. In the interests of your country's national security, the CIA has a free hand against Americans. It is true most such activities would be completed by your NSA, but the CIA is allowed to do whatever it wishes against Americans.
As I am no threat to US national security, even if I would be were I to attain a wonderful position at the head of a new National Socialist government of Canada, your CIA STILL cannot touch me with a 10km pole, you moron. The CIA is not even allowed on Canadian soil. I know this for a fact, hence your post reeks of stupidity.
Of course it does, you moron. Yet, were I to ever publish said article in the States, your FBI and CIA would be hunting me down at the behest of the many Jew organisations which rule the USA. A shame I am CANADIAN, which precludes them any ability to even look at me wrong.
The CIA can go anywhere it wants, hatfucker. It's not chartered to operate on American soil. The NSA can, but I wouldn't expect a dimwitted donkey fucker like you to understand that.