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A friend, to me, right now: "I disliked Wind Waker, but not as much as I disliked Majora's Mask."
Man Battles His Girlfriend's Ex-Husband with a Zelda Sword
by Jay Hathaway - 51 minutes ago
When his girlfriend's ex-husband showed up in the middle of the night, one man did the only thing that made sense: He grabbed a replica video game sword and challenged the intruder to a duel.
Legend of Zelda aficionado Eugene Thompson and his sword collection live in Thompson's girlfriend's Katy, Texas, home. On Saturday night, the couple got into an argument, and Thompson's girlfriend called her estranged husband. She let the man into the house, and Thompson tried to chase him out with his Zelda Master Sword.
The confrontation didn't end well for either man, as Thompson explained to Houston's Local 2:
"I heard him heading to the bedroom where I was, so I jumped in the closet and I grabbed one of my replica swords, and I pulled it out and stood at the doorway, and he was coming down the hallway at me while I was yelling, 'Go away, you don't live here' and he just walked right into the point of the sword, I don't know if he thought it was a toy."
Alas, the replica of a weapon from a Nintendo game was no toy. The ex was stabbed in the chest and leg as he tried to wrestle the most powerful blade in Hyrule away from Thompson.
Thompson didn't escape unscathed, either. The man attacked him with a flower pot, causing a serious gash.
"It dinged me on the head and all of a sudden I had blood pouring down my face," said Thompson.
The two men were transported to separate hospitals for treatment.
Adding insult to combination-insult-and-injury, Thompson's girlfriend told him to pack up his swords and hit the road.
"I am just trying to figure out what to do from here. I have to find a new place to live," said Thompson.
14 Things You Might Not Know About The Legend Of Zelda
by Yannick LeJacq
40 minutes ago
The Legend of Zelda series is so steeped in lore at this point that just figuring out which version of Link you're playing as can be tricky. Heck, I'm still not sure that's even his real name.
The trivia-themed YouTube series "Did You Know Gaming?" took another stab at Zelda's rich history recently, and the new video offers up some interesting and often silly bits of information:
My personal favorite is the detail about the ChuChus from Wind Waker being "voiced" by an audio recording of two men arguing that was sped up and played in reverse. But there are also a lot of details here about how specific Zelda titles came to be—often by being salvaged from botched attempts to remake an earlier game for a new system:
- Ocarina of Time, widely regarded as one of the best Zelda games, was "heavily influenced by a failed attempt at remaking Zelda II," which is generally considered to be one of the worst games in the series.
- Link's swordplay was inspired by chanbara swordfighting, a type of combat featured in many popular samurai movies.
- The shiny metal knight Link fights in the original trailer for Ocarina of Time was made with the same texture as Metal Mario from Super Mario 64.
- Link's Awakening, the first Zelda game for the Game Boy, was originally an attempt to remake the SNES classic A Link To The Past for a handheld console. It began as a side-project that the developers toyed with after hours for fun.
- Capcom, the only third-party studio that's ever made Zelda games, began collaborating with Nintendo after pitching a remake of the original Legend of Zelda for the Game Boy Color. They ended up working on miniseries collectively known as The Triforce Trilogy.
- The third installment in The Triforce Trilogy was never finished because of a technical difficulty related to a password system meant to carry across all three games.
- The 2007 DS game The Phantom Hourglass began as an attempt to port the 2004 GameCube game Four Swords Adventures to a handheld console.
- The idea for the latest Zelda game, A Link Between Worlds, came from conversations between Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma in which the two discussed remaking A Link To The Past for the 3DS. Aonuma wanted to make a brand-new game instead. To the delight of many Zelda fans, Miyamoto let him.
- The HD remake of Wind Waker for the Wii U came about because Zelda developers were playing around with a tech demo Nintendo brought to E3 in 2011 to show off "The Zelda HD Experience."
- Wind Waker was also the first Zelda title to pique the interest of Anouma's wife to the point where she now plays all of his games.
- The voice of the ChuChu enemies in Wind Waker is actually a distorted audio recording of two men arguing in Japanese. One of them calls out the other for going bald. Burned!
- The nonsensical sentences that fortune teller Fanadi spouts in Twilight Princess are actually just English phrases like "Wait, loading takes a while..." spelled in reverse. Meta.
- Fanadi's name was derived from taking the first two letters of each of the names of the "golden goddesses" from Zelda lore: Farore, Nayru, and Din.
- The "scrambled, pseudo-speech" that backs up Midna's spoken dialogue in Twilight Princess is actually just scrambled versions of sentences spoken in plain English.
The takeaway? Fans shouldn't get upset if Nintendo ever says it's going to remake a Zelda game and then fail to follow through. Really, I think I'm just gonna take any future announcement about a port or remake as a sign that something even more awesome is on its way.