Private pics and butterfly solutions


Elder Statesman
A Poster who shall Not be Named (but everyone knows who he is) has apparently, in an attempt to troll the female members of this board, been asking for pornographic, personal photos.

I need to thank this Un-named poster. Not only have I had the enjoyment of playing "Brother Confessor" to a few of those he's been making requests of, and hearing about his antics privately, but I received the most delightful gift today.

You see, as a male one can never quite know why a woman will grace you with her attention. Sometimes it is attraction, but there can be other motivations, including spite or a female sense of revenge (which I believe is one of those differences in the sexes).
Reputation is a fragile thing, but if you have a good one, and can be still and discrete, the most interesting things can come your way. Much like the butterfly that ends up on your shoulder if you can be still and quiet. Such things cannot be faked.

Yeah, un-named, she sent me that pic you asked her for. I have every reason to believe it's genuine. She laughed about it too when she showed me. While I like them shaved or trimmed, I have to admit the sight of her finger deep inside of her somewhat un-tamed looking beaver was....inspiring, even if it was a little startling, arriving as a surprise. You must have really pissed her off...or amused her.

I shall add it to my collection. I'm not a huge fan of porn, but an intimate and personal gift such as this should never be refused. It is not the photo, but the sense behind it that is the thrill, and the Power.

