Professional farting is a thing


I'm sure this knowledge will one day be important to you.

Professional farters exist and they are called flatulists.



Keeper of the Nether Eye
What do we call the people who fart constantly without getting paid to?

Amateur flatulist just doesn't properly portray my feelings.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Ambivalent to light entertainment?


Keeper of the Nether Eye


Keeper of the Nether Eye
And yet you continue to post.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Yet if someone claims they do not care about a certain thing, and yet continue to post regarding the aforementioned thing, it negates the purported apathy. The lovely thing about message boards is the ability to pick and choose where you post.

Just sayin'.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Yet if someone claims they do not care about a certain thing, and yet continue to post regarding the aforementioned thing, it negates the purported apathy.

Innacurate. One does not need to have an interest in a topic in order to discuss it. This conversation is a prime example.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Innacurate. One does not need to have an interest in a topic in order to discuss it. This conversation is a prime example.

Somebody's bored of watching the toilet flush.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Hadn't thought of that but at the rate this converation is going, it may become a viable option for entertainment.


Keeper of the Nether Eye
Glad to be of service. Lean in nice and close - you get the most entertainment value that way.