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Prostitution Question(s)


I'm wondering what the going rates for hookers are, and I was wondering if anyone could direct me to some appropriate links or information. I understand that rates are based on a LOT of different factors, and I am specifically wondering what the general going rates are for certain specific sex acts. But I'd like to get as accurate a picture as possible, so here are the different factors that could affect rates that I am interested in learning more information about.

1) specific sexual acts
2) age/attractiveness
3) intelligence/grace/affluence
4) geographic region: Pacific Northwest, preferably
5) condom use/other protection
6) --what else am I forgetting?--
I don't need a certificate. I'm not hooking, I just want to know the going rates for services.
Plus, I would consider "disease-free" falling under #5) condom use/other protection

Yes, but protection in general for client which would fall under other...?
Okay, I just looked up a few places and all I can figure is ~$500 for 2 hours.
What about specific sexual acts?
You know, if you took a nice girl out on a date and spent $500.00 on a great meal at a high class restaurant with lots of expensive wine, she'd be just willing enough to perform those tasks for free. Of course, it would cost you the price of the dinner/drinks evening out, but she'd be relatively unused and probably a better bet in terms of being disease free. Just a thought. Carry on.
Enkephalen said:
You know, if you took a nice girl out on a date and spent $500.00 on a great meal at a high class restaurant with lots of expensive wine, she'd be just willing enough to perform those tasks for free. Of course, it would cost you the price of the dinner/drinks evening out, but she'd be relatively unused and probably a better bet in terms of being disease free. Just a thought. Carry on.

Let me try a variation of the original question:

What specific sexual acts would you perform for a $500 dinner that you would not perform for a $400 dinner? $550? $700? $1000?
It's all about quality. If you want quantity, then head for the wharf and pay for the $10.00 ladies of the wooden pier. Or, if you're really looking for a step up from the wharf rats, then the streets of any major city should accommodate you nicely with their assortment of ladies of the pavement.
Enkephalen said:
It's all about quality. If you want quantity, then head for the wharf and pay for the $10.00 ladies of the wooden pier. Or, if you're really looking for a step up from the wharf rats, then the streets of any major city should accommodate you nicely with their assortment of ladies of the pavement.
??? I'm not really asking about quantity or quality, although I realize that those would be factors in the rates. I'm asking about generic going rates for SPECIFIC SEXUAL ACTS.
Not hooking or any variation. Just curious about the going rate for specific sexual acts.
If you really want answers to your questions, then why not ask some real hookers? Go down to any city's seedy district. Once the ladies of the evening determine that you aren't a cop, they will be more than happy to disclose their going rate for whatever your kink(s) is/are.

Asking that question here is not going to be of much use because the majority of men insist that they will never have to pay for it. If they did admit to using hookers, they look sadly pathetic because they do have to pay for it. Which begs the question: who IS using these hookers' services. However, you might get an answer from the vice cops. Mostly, I would say that it would vary from city to city, or quality of service provider. Because you know, location is everything. Working on the street has less overhead than working through a madam at a house with the highest paid women calling themselves Call Girls. These ladies are able to command the highest prices in the $1,000.00 and up range.