Public Service Message for Elrod Figaro


Shifty sumbitch
Elrod, I'm bringing this to your attention because I care.
As of late, your posting style has been very redundant and dare I say a waste of space that would be best consolidated into a single thread. It is a strain, to say the least, to keep seeing the same futile motions that mean nothing to most of us at large.

Kindly, I ask, do us the favour and please restrain yourself from your apparent need to continually rehash the subject of Jack and Comicon. Yes, we realize that you've been embarrassed by Jack, by Dork Lord, even by some of the others less affiliated with the Gutters, but we also don't need to be reminded of it.

Certainly, you may choose to ignore this. By all means, if you do so, we will simply continue our campaign of mocking you. I must ask, though, doesn't the Dance get old?



Vuhlkansu Wihs
I'm not sure this qualifies as a public service message. I think it might have been better titled as "Another kick in the shorts for Elrod Figaro".


Please. This thread clearly indicates that this BICKENDAN is a nobody and is clearly pwned by ELROD. Truly, I am disappointed by the lack of effort it takes to pwn this board.

Why do you think that I, the great SaintLucifer, do not post regularly here anymore?

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
In the event of an actual emergency, the proceeding message would be folloed by 30 seconds of Elrod sobbing like a little girl with a skinned knee.
If you want me to leave, all you have to do is ask. This place doesn't really mean that much to me.