Punch - astronomical Poetry


Elder Statesman
I want to be the Fist Of God
That fire hallowed piece
of stone and iron
Primal and long-lived
born in Nova,
but raised and matured in the cold and dust of places un-touched

Swing me closer
Make me Obey the Laws
but let me enjoy the twists and turns
the Dance that I know is coming
Let Mother Earth twirl me
The lightest kisses of her presence bringing me near

And then
That one flirt where she has gotten too close
I rub against the wisps of her outermost garment
and I am cold no more

No, I no longer drift and turn
Now there is Purpose
I swing by one more time
glancing at her bound mate and child endlessly circling
not for me
I will consummate this dance

I punch through the insubstantial
warmed and loosing life-blood and dust
Iron melting
stone turning back to lava
And streaming behind me an incandescent arrow
to the remaining Me

I finally utter that noise that cannot be made
That Primal scream echoing my creation
The ground rushes near
Ready to embrace me

But I am not a gentle lover
Even this great and vast Place ready to receive me
will have to pay a price to be pierced

I punch through
Un-whole but un-caring
Explosion and Orgasm
And my lover shakes and rings at my touch.

She will remember me
And that is enough for that moment of pain
I shall not endlessly circle with the dust and the cold
It is worth it.



Elder Statesman

Meteor = My Penis

"mother" Earth = Hot chick.


(note impact mark on ass)

That will be $100.