Are you a bot? This repetitive bullshit makes me think lets break it down...
I've been married, faithfully and monogamously to the same woman for over 30 years, three kids...two of which are older than your fake persona, one graduating high school in a month, in fact he's performing in All State today in Rutland. I don't sleep in front of the computer, as is evidenced, I usually dont post after 8pm, or before 5:30 am. Other than that, I hang out here whenever I want, just like you've been doing lately. I don'yt know why the time you spend here would be any more valid than the time I spend here, but that's why opinions are like assholes.
I really have no idea what you're talking about here. Lately I've been a little too obsessed with my job, and the stress from it is beginning to wear on me IRL a little, so I'm grateful I have the day off today to play, because tomorrow is Isabel's first birthday, and the New Jersey part of the family is putting in a huge appearance in Williston. That, coupled with the usual Mother's Day treatment of the mom's makes it a pretty full day socially, not really a rest day off. So you take it where you can get it.
I like to post from work, because I can...and it helps break up the stress routine of the job, especially when you come on about 10am weekdays and act like a fuckhead.
I only have about 6 real friends here, and they laugh with me and you've never spoken with them privately about me.
The problem with innuendo is it's just rumor. You have nothing, and the idea that some people around here hate me...well that's a badge I wear rather proudly. People better fucking hate me.
As far as you talking to people behind my back, you're simply not doing that, and therefore there's nothing to respond to. People have much better things to do than whine about me, especially to you, fat biker d00d.
Um actually fat biker d00d, what was actually said (directly to you, by Donovan) referenced me owning about half the internets, along with instructions to get in line if you wanted a shot back at me, since you seemed so owned.
Ok that's it, gotta go walk the dog. bbl.