Ramblings on Pears


Can I have Ops?

Actually the worlds first registered brand.

We used to get it as a family and it was only topped off it's post by the wonderfully exciting Imperial Leather. This soap had the unique innovation of a sticker on it. This meant that even when you just had a little sliver of soap left, the sticker was out and proud.


So you can wash yourself in pears as well


I thought was going to be about the fruit and the various types thereof.


Is this real life?
I thought this was going to be about Piers Morgan and his awful interviewing show (this week he attempted to make The Hoff cry about alcoholism, interspersed by sponsorship adverts for whiskey).

Dull Fact of the Day: Imperial Leather makes me think of my Gran. I used to want to use up all the soap so I could have the sticker.


I love you
I want this soap! I feel dirty.
(Not really I just had a shower)(I am clean!)

I like the Neutreugena clear soap bar for my face.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm a bodywash kinda gal. And Almay cleansing pads for my face.


I want to smell dark matter
I like soap that doesn't fall apart.


Can I have Ops?
I am more intrigued about the "non comedogenic" nature of Pears Soap. I am in the business of inventing problems that you never knew you had, but that one is new to me.