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The Question

Unintentional hilarity in the news:

"I know that the last I had heard weeks ago is that Bryan is being kept isolated from other inmates, and so I know that we do both likely sleep alone as I mentioned in a past post," Hislope wrote in her most recent post, which was dated shortly after midnight Friday.

The Question

You're in a fight to the death, White People, and most of you either don't know it or refuse to accept it. But refusing to accept it doesn't exempt you from it.

The Question

^^The full quote from the pictured post:

Another success story (dead White guy) for the institutional powers that rule over America:

A half Black / half White man - after a lifelong struggle with his own identity - finally succumbs to the Anti-White narrative that dominates our culture, and uses his car to mow down a White 58-year-old ER physician on a bicycle before getting out and stabbing him to death while screaming about:

"White Privilege."

Just another day... and just another example of the real-world manifestation of the Anti-White hate campaign that permeates every sector of our society.

This is where "Critical Race Theory" leads.

This is where "Anti-Racism" leads.

This is where "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" leads.

This is where the government, media, academia, and corporate world's relentless "White Privilege" blood libel leads.

Vanroy Evan Smith, the man who murdered Dr. Michael Mammone, has the social media history of someone who spent a lot of time endeavoring to figure out exactly who he was. While not a profound man, he has certainly been contemplative of his place in the world. (Some of his posts are covered here: https://heavy.com/news/vanroy-evan-smith/)

His mixed race origins appear to have contributed to his internal identity crisis, and in a 2019 Facebook post (attached), he tries to deconstruct race down into a meaningless distraction, while simultaneously acknowledging his own biracial genetics, as well as the "Black family" he spent the first twelve years of his life with, and the "White family" he spent six years of his life with after that.

But what stands out in his Facebook post is this line near the beginning:

"There are the oppressed, then there are the oppressors."

This is what underpins "Critical Race Theory" and the ethos of the entire Anti-White Industrial Complex.

It is an oppressed/oppressor (i.e. good/evil) narrative in which White people are the evil oppressors and non-White people are the oppressed heroes (and, of course, where we ignore the reality that White people are the only group being institutionally oppressed in America - from employment to admissions, home loans to history, free speech to the FBI & ADL framing Whites for nonexistent 'hate crimes' - while every other group receives institutionally-approved preferential treatment over Whites).

Dr. Michael Mammone's murderer clearly got the message.

And it's hard not to. The "White People Bad" narrative is drilled into the psyche of every man, woman, and child in America - and when it marinates in the psyche of someone with low impulse control - someone like Vanroy Evan Smith - we end up with a doctor who saves lives for a living being slaughtered in the street because he's the oppressor. The villain. The bad guy. Because he's the White guy.

It's the same way we end up with...

~ Jackson Sparks
~ Wilhelm Hospel
~ Virginia Sorenson
~ Leana Owen
~ Tamara Durand
~ Jane Kulich
~ Jupiter Paulsen
~ Ethan Liming
~ Ryan Rogers
~ Ethan Williams

...and countless more, on an ever-growing list of dead White victims, whose blood is on the hands of our Anti-White institutions just as much as it's on the hands of the murderous cretins these institutions inspire into action.

They'll now do their dandiest to deny the Anti-White motive in this Anti-White murder, where the killer screamed about "White Privilege" during the act of homicide, making themselves even more detestable than the murderer himself.

And on Monday, millions of Americans will report to work and to school and receive "training" and "education" literally labelled "White Privilege" - and it will begin to marinate in the psyche of another Vanroy Evan Smith.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question



The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yes, it does.

The image is fake; the message it conveys isn't. ;)

That message seems pretty clear. A simile to Jordan's recent subpoenas. You don't investigate yourself for crimes you committed.

Just ridiculous.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom