Relationship Motivators

Love Child

One Love
Have you ever met a person who doesn't improve thier lives until they are in a relationship? What is up with that? Why don't people want to improve thier lives when they are single?
That is what I do. I don't wait around until I am in a relationship to finally get a job, improve my diet, quit smoking or drinking, start excersising, etc etc. I do these things because I want to do them.
I also don't date people in hopes that they will change. I have to like you fully now.
I think people can help you do things, encourage you, support you etc etc, that is what friends and family are for.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Amen sista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Have you ever met a person who doesn't improve thier lives until they are in a relationship? What is up with that? Why don't people want to improve thier lives when they are single?
That is what I do. I don't wait around until I am in a relationship to finally get a job, improve my diet, quit smoking or drinking, start excersising, etc etc. I do these things because I want to do them.
I also don't date people in hopes that they will change. I have to like you fully now.
I think people can help you do things, encourage you, support you etc etc, that is what friends and family are for.

Because when a human being is trying to find another human being to mate with (for however long) it makes more sense tactically to hang it all out there so to speak. It's not pragmatic to fix first when you can fix after the fact to demonstate the ability to learn/improve. It's a maintnence effort after the catch. A tactical switch of methods to continue a successful pair bonding.

Why would I quit drinking?

Love Child

One Love
Because when a human being is trying to find another human being to mate with (for however long) it makes more sense tactically to hang it all out there so to speak.

Of course. No surprises. However we are told to somehow still keep the mystery. I like the mystery, I don't need to know everything, and I don't need to divulge everything except for the important things. And you will tell me what is important so I will know.

It's not pragmatic to fix first when you can fix after the fact to demonstate the ability to learn/improve.

The only thing one needs to demonstrate to me is that they know how to be a gentleman and that they can get me off.

It's a maintnence effort after the catch. A tactical switch of methods to continue a successful pair bonding.
Blah blah blah. What.
Of course we want to improve. Of course we don't want to go backwards. People get too comfortable and they forget to be romantic, they forget to still woo thier partner. They take things for granted.

Why would I quit drinking?

It was just my example. I know people who have quit drinking for another person. Or quit smoking, or drugs or whatever. No one should do these things for another person. They will get resentful at that person for doing so.


New Member
Of course. No surprises. However we are told to somehow still keep the mystery. I like the mystery, I don't need to know everything, and I don't need to divulge everything except for the important things. And you will tell me what is important so I will know.

The only thing one needs to demonstrate to me is that they know how to be a gentleman and that they can get me off.

Blah blah blah. What.
Of course we want to improve. Of course we don't want to go backwards. People get too comfortable and they forget to be romantic, they forget to still woo thier partner. They take things for granted.

It was just my example. I know people who have quit drinking for another person. Or quit smoking, or drugs or whatever. No one should do these things for another person. They will get resentful at that person for doing so.

Some day I'll explain to you how a womans orgasm is rejectionary and exclusitory. A gentlemen will always get you off. So you can get him off of you.

I know secret things. Don't take my word for it. Feel if it's true.

Other then that my pragmatic approach is malfunctioning in this estrogen fog.

Love Child

One Love
Some day I'll explain to you how a womans orgasm is rejectionary and exclusitory. A gentlemen will always get you off. So you can get him off of you.

I know secret things. Don't take my word for it. Feel if it's true.

Other then that my pragmatic approach is malfunctioning in this estrogen fog.

I am through speaking with you. Thanks.


New Member
I am through speaking with you. Thanks.

I was going to say something snide here but I know it's traumatic to realize even the possibility that there's a man who knows the things I'm suggesting I know from the teasers in my last post.

Just call me crazy or a liar or just don't talk to me ever. It's probably for the best. I just want to say I know that you know what I'm talking about.

Here's where you or someone else asks rhetorically "what the fuck are you talking about asshole?"


New Member
I just see you as arrogant and pre-judgemental. You remind me of an ex boyfriend. Yeah thats it.

Arrogant yes. Totally. "Pre" judgmental no. Post judgmental yes. Absolutely. I'll bet I can guess why....nevermind.

Tea room.

SOP For discrediting something someone says that you'd rather not deal with for whatever reason is to attack their character. If you can effectively damage or tarnish their character (particularly if you can get them to 'react' to inflamatory attack) then you call to question all they've said or will say based on their recently exposed personality flaws.

Why do think I came on so directly? So what I knew you would do wouldn't work. Obviously I'm an opinionated asshole, so it's not going to do you any good to call me one. See? Sorry.

I know you know now that I know. Why else would you react so aggressively. That's very telling you know.

I know things about the way you work as a girl that as a man I have no right to know. Don't believe me? No problem. See above.


New Member
Since you're finished anyway I thought I'd toss these down -

I know what the G-spot is and why some women can find it.

I know why the popularity of lubricant has exploded over the last few years.

I know what causes breast cancer and how to prevent it.

I know why your cervix is covered with thick mucus most of the month alowing a very small window for pregnancy and what you should be doing while it's blocked.

I know why women's menstraul cycles sync up when they're in close proximity.

I know how many babies you're supposed to have and approximatly when you should have them (if you want to be healthy and have healthy kids that is).

I know what your orgasms means. To you and to him.

I know the purpose of pubic hair. I know why it's popular to shave most if not all of it off.

I know when you lie and I know why.

Should I go on?


beer, I want beer


Forever Empress E
Since you're finished anyway I thought I'd toss these down -

I know what the G-spot is and why some women can find it.

I know why the popularity of lubricant has exploded over the last few years.

I know what causes breast cancer and how to prevent it.

I know why your cervix is covered with thick mucus most of the month alowing a very small window for pregnancy and what you should be doing while it's blocked.

I know why women's menstraul cycles sync up when they're in close proximity.

I know how many babies you're supposed to have and approximatly when you should have them (if you want to be healthy and have healthy kids that is).

I know what your orgasms means. To you and to him.

I know the purpose of pubic hair. I know why it's popular to shave most if not all of it off.

I know when you lie and I know why.

Should I go on?

Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, if you know the answers to these questions, tell us what they are. I know I've wondered why we have pubic hair.


beer, I want beer
Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, if you know the answers to these questions, tell us what they are. I know I've wondered why we have pubic hair.

Because back in the time of Adam and Eve they hadn't yet invented dental floss. That's an easy one...


New Member
Well, Mr. Smarty Pants, if you know the answers to these questions, tell us what they are. I know I've wondered why we have pubic hair.

Oh yeah, I know what causes IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) in women and how to fix it. Hint: It isn't yogurt.

Don't get me started on prostate cancer...

Does size matter? I know the answer.

What purpose do the female vocalizations of sex serve? Got it.

What sexual position are you most likely to get pregnant in and why? Got that one too.

Careful tho' ladies, I might just tell you things about yourself you don't want to know. Or at least don't want to know I know....


Forever Empress E
Don't get me started on prostate cancer...
I've never been concerned with having prostate cancer.

Does size matter? I know the answer.
I already know the answer to that.

What sexual position are you most likely to get pregnant in and why? Got that one too.
Just so you know, I believe in retroactive abortion.

Careful tho' ladies, I might just tell you things about yourself you don't want to know. Or at least don't want to know I know....
*sigh* and you had looked so promising there for a bit ...


New Member
I've never been concerned with having prostate cancer.

I already know the answer to that.

Just so you know, I believe in retroactive abortion.

*sigh* and you had looked so promising there for a bit ...

I know. What do you do with someone who claims to know the things I know?
Your tact is certainly the safest. Which is what I'd expect from you. You're smart. I kind of figured you'd find this thread as soon as I revived it.

The best you can hope for is I'll go away before I say much more. The feminine way is to make an ali until you can figure out what to do with me, but since I already know that you may find your success to be mixed.

You may be wondering who is this guy and how dare he? How can we discount him as quickly as possible? I'll give you a hint - I'm an original. At least in this time. You might have some luck making me out to be a lunatic like you're starting to try above. I do have more though....

Fun eh?


New Member
Here Eloisel, I'll teach you a trick -

See if your nipples get harder faster (and more pleasurably) with self-stimulation while your arms are raised above your head as opposed to doing the same with your arms down at your side.

I know why.

Pssst. Just claim I don't know what I'm talking about but keep that trick for yourself.

From me to you.


Forever Empress E
I know. What do you do with someone who claims to know the things I know?
Your tact is certainly the safest. Which is what I'd expect from you. You're smart. I kind of figured you'd find this thread as soon as I revived it.

The best you can hope for is I'll go away before I say much more. The feminine way is to make an ali until you can figure out what to do with me, but since I already know that you may find your success to be mixed.

You may be wondering who is this guy and how dare he? How can we discount him as quickly as possible? I'll give you a hint - I'm an original. At least in this time. You might have some luck making me out to be a lunatic like you're starting to try above. I do have more though....

Fun eh?

You need to put out a fresher carrot. That one is kind of soggy.


New Member
You need to put out a fresher carrot. That one is kind of soggy.

But you are here aren't you?

Of course, just lump it all in with the rest of the crap. Maybe it will all go away.

The problem is I know the value of what I know. Wanna see what I mean? Just go supply your own answers to the issue I raised in this thread.

BTW I noticed you dropped IBS and female vocalizations from your re.

That's interesting.