I thought it was discovevered or revealed that "Ange" is really 10-15 guys who have bonded together to post under the one female identity. (Where is Freud when you need him?) While there seems to be some difference between the individuals using the identity - i.e., grammar, vocabulary, typing skills, and other mechanical skills - they all cut and paste the same material they've been using for several years on other boards with a honing in on Jack to flame.
While it was kind of fun, and definitely a little different, in the beginning, Ange has lost its appeal for me. I want Jillian who, while crazy, and may have been driven by numerous individuals, posted like a thinking individual instead of a cut and paste persona. Jillian wasn't all spouting Jack lives with his mom and is on this board 24/7 and has no life, etc. like Ange's posts. Jillian was entertaining. Dammit, I want Jillian back. Can we trade Ange for Jillian or sell Ange and use the money to pay a lawyer to get Jillian out of the looney bin or something?