Remember the "Iron John" fad

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
LOL, when middle-aged white guys would go into the woods and sit around with other middle-aged white guys and wear "war paint" and bang on drums, and get in touch with their "inner savages".

Rich white guys are dumbasses, LOLZY!


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Retrotrek's dad did that when we were teenagers. He decided he was a victim for like ten years after that. SOOOOOO annoying!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Mommy and Daddy didn't buy me a car when I turned 16, and even though I'm a White Male, I'm still a victim and opressed so boo-hoo I think it's ok for me to blow our life savings on a red Porsche and try to score some 20-year-old pussy.
