[RENAMED THREAD] In this thread, people will cry & stamp their feet like children


You Fox Eared Asshole!
I have no complaints. But I'm sure the mods/admins will either tell you to take it down or take it down themselves eventually.

You've gotta be shittin' me. Since when did TK turn into 'that kind' of board?


You Fox Eared Asshole!
Well if people can still have dicks running down a forest path, then this is nothing in compare to that.

Homo Erectus

Registered User
I think it is perverted and evil and you're going to go to hell right after you tell me where you got that image.


I'm too lazy to remove it, so instead I'll just ask you nicely to replace it with something else.


You Fox Eared Asshole!
I can't believe this board has turned into such a pussified version. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Would have never expected this from you, Gagh. Just when the hell did TK turn into such a Teletubbies version of itself?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I can't believe this board has turned into such a pussified version. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Would have never expected this from you, Gagh. Just when the hell did TK turn into such a Teletubbies version of itself?

The MineFielders took over. That should pretty much tell you everything you need to know.


Pinata Whacker
The MineFielders took over. That should pretty much tell you everything you need to know.

They didn't take over. They were pretty much always the favorite busy hangout. The Badlands never stood a chance to be taken seriously as a contender with its super silly spam, fake dramas, and overt sexuality.


I can't believe this board has turned into such a pussified version. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Would have never expected this from you, Gagh. Just when the hell did TK turn into such a Teletubbies version of itself?

I'm glad you never would have expected it from me. Tell you what, why don't you go and cry like a baby to the board owner instead of me. I couldn't give a shit if you had a picture of ZsaZsa Gabor's clapped out minge as your avatar, but I don't pay the bills - so kiss my white English arse, you fucked up kook.

The MineFielders took over. That should pretty much tell you everything you need to know.

From a guy who has been a member less than 2 years, this just shows how much of an ignorant n00b you can still be. If we let somebody like you take over, we'd all be listening to Steely Dan, drinking weak coffee, and doing Sudoku - you're that fucking boring.

Its just sad to see a place like this go down the shitter.

Maybe we should just go up your shitter instead? You know, where all the Vinyl Manga figures you own have been?

Bunch of whining shits.

Oh, and if anyone else doesn't like it, take your complaints to Wordinterrupted. He's still the best Admin we have. Cunts.